Welche Supermoto für einen Anfänger?
Hallo, ich mache zurzeit meinen A2 schein (vorher noch nie Motorrad gefahren), daher
würde Ich gerne wissen, welche Sumo sich am besten für einen Anfänger eignet.
Habe gelesen das die ,,Wettbewerbsmaschinen” wie die 501 relativ wartungsbedürftig sind bei normalem Straßengebrauch :/?
For beginners the most friendly is probably the Honda FMX 650, the BMW Xmoto or the Yamaha XT 660. However, a throttled KTM Smcr or Husqvarna 701 should not be a problem. Also the lc4 models are usually very low maintenance.
I would rather advise a beginner about competition-supermotos such as the Aprilia sxv 450/550 or a Husqvarna 501 or the KTM EXC models.
Short question: why have you already set yourself on a supermoto? Is it just because of optics?
If you want to drive more often (of which often on roads) and possibly even longer distances, a supermoto is not a good choice. Then you’d better get to a naked or super sportsman.
Otherwise, I’ll introduce you a couple of models again, which you can watch:
-> some of the machinery needs of one Throttle!
The Aprilia is in itself a very horny motorcycle, but a novice I would not recommend it!
So the SXV
Supermoto due to optics, driving behavior and circle of friends. Be sure to go a bit offroad again and again think:D Thanks for the suggestions!
Let me guess. You’re meeting to practice Wheelies for your VLog?
Offroad with ner Sumo has also recently tried one….
This also depends on your body size and weight. If you are not very big, for example, a supermoto will be a challenge when stopping.
Therefore only one helps: try out.