Welche Stücke sollte man nach 9 Jahren Klavierunterricht können?
Mir ist klar, dass das völlig davon abhängig ist, wie viel man geübt hat und dass das individuell komplett unterschiedlich sein kann und man es allgemein eigentlich nicht sagen kann.
Jedoch würde es mich wirklich interessieren, was denn Stücke wären, die man nach ungefähr 9 Jahren beispielsweise schon können sollte, wenn man regelmäßig geübt hat und so durchschnittlich musikalisch begabt ist.
Wenn ihr auch Klavier spielt, könnt ihr mir ja mal sagen, welche Stücke ihr so nach 9 Jahren gespielt habt.
I would have just said that you have to meet your own needs.
If you think you’ve done a lot in the nine years and can do the pieces that are most fun for you, that’s great. If you say you want to be able to do this and that, then you will probably work on it.
I’m a guitarist and I learned a completely different style than I’m playing now. In addition, with a second person who has braked me in my learning progress. But I have learned other things, for example, playing together, or other techniques. It has brought me on in the understanding of music – though not on the instrument itself.
I have taught myself the important thing for myself.
That’s why I think it’s helpful to reflect on yourself, to tell yourself if progress is good.
That’s what you basically suggested, maybe it’s about finding a comparison point to find out where you stand for yourself.
What I personally don’t think is important. :
Have fun! ✨
That’s very different. It depends on so many things that it is hardly possible to say what should be. Perhaps the “Handbuch der Klavierliteratur zu zwei Hände” by Klaus Wolter’s suggestions gives you. He tried to divide almost the whole piano literature into difficulty levels. He estimates that after about 9 years Bach’s Italian concert, Beethoven’s Sonata op. 10/3, Chopins Polonaise op. 26/1 and Hindemiths 2nd Sonata can play. And of course there are also pieces he doesn’t want to encourage the layman.
You can’t say that because everyone like you said has worked differently, for example I have been playing piano for 6 years and just do la campanella by liszt and appasionata by Beethoven. Just watch what you’re playing and when you’re the pieces down called from the sheet can play this is already relatively good(yet a question to you what you are playing, then you can say better).
Cool and how long do you practice around a day that you have come so far in such a short time?
Do you take lessons?
Chopin Nocturne Op. 9. No. 1 & Op. 9 No. 2, Rondo alla turca, Chopin Waltz Op. 64 No. 2, couple of medium-heavy Mozart sonatas, …
You can be satisfied with this.
So yes I take lessons and I didn’t have a lot of time before but for so 2 years about 45 minutes to 1 hour a day. Are beautiful pieces you called, hard too! I think you’re pretty good!
Thank you :
If you play classical music, then at least from the three main epochs (baroque, classical, romance) three larger pieces each.
Bach – Well-tempered piano first issue
Mozart – Piano Sonata A-Dur K.331
Mozart – Piano Sonata C-Dur K. 545
Mozart – Piano Sonata a-moll K. 310
Chopin – Preludium No. 4 e-moll
Chopin – Preludium No. 15 Des major
Chopin – Prelude No. 20 c-moll
Then two Beethoven sonatas maybe Opus 27-2 and Opus 28.
That’s enough as a repertoire. You can see it everywhere without having to be ashamed.
After nine years? There’s a lot too high. The pieces you saw that are super easy to read
That’s better for you. I meant a basic repertoire for the simple person after nine years, for which you don’t have to be ashamed completely.
But they are now regarded as such and not as monkeys. A bit of natural talent must be there if it weren’t, there would be more of these children. It is well known to me that children are grilled in the Far East, also for sporting services.
Despite all, it is a funny feeling for musicians when you learn an instrument and on Youtube plays a three- cheese high even more demanding things.
These are not miracle children… These are instrumentalized tips. The history of music teaches us this, for example, to Isaac Albéniz, who himself said that he was unhappy about becoming “like a dressed monkey”.
You can see that 9 years of piano are not equal to 9 years of piano. A Chinese miracle child plays with 7 often more difficult food than a hobby player after 20 years, who did not always practice intensively.
This is all about the genre. Where are you going?
I play classical music.
Depending on that, if you have been taking piano lessons for 9 years, can you still move in the area of medium-heavy sonatas, for example Beethoven or Haydn, perhaps also the one or other pieces Liszt?
Classics, however, always focus on the quality, you can also put in an invention for over 1 year if it is perfectly prepared afterwards.
Generally, try to solve yourself with other fairs, my tip.
Thank you for your answer! Can you also call me some concrete examples of the sonatas of Beethoven or Haydn or the pieces of Liszt?
it is difficult to say when I started exactly as I climbed on the keyboard a few years ago as a child before I had piano lessons and an e-piano available. With good piano lessons, a lot of exercise and suitable instrument, I made a greater progress in a few years.
In nine years you can come quite far, so you can play most common pieces. In time, I mainly played Chopin and started with more demanding pieces. I played the first ballad on my last school concert. Then I learned the fourth ballad. Such classics, such as the Fantaisie improvisation or the third set of the Moonlight Sonata, which are shown as particularly difficult, can be created in time. They are not easy, but there are more difficult works.
With the other years, however, there is more experience and more expression. Even if you can play a piece reasonably well, there are still differences to a lecture at master level. Even if you already have many years of experience, it takes again until you have developed a good repertoire. Especially when I spread my repertoire, I still learn something with different composers. The versatility also takes its time. I mean, in nine years, you can already work on a single piece of almost any difficulty. At least I still lacked the maturity and understanding of music, as if I could develop any work myself at a high level. And even today I never learn. Different larger works can also not be learned at once later.
So back to question
Sounds like there’s a list of pieces to play. There is a wide selection of pieces that you can play, where there is also a more demanding one. But you can’t play all of these pieces at once. You don’t have to have played every popular piece. The well-known classics should be all possible.