Welche Streaming-Dienste habt ihr?
Falls ihr mehrere habt: Antwort schreiben oder den Auswählen den ihr am meisten nutzt.
Falls ihr mehrere habt: Antwort schreiben oder den Auswählen den ihr am meisten nutzt.
Hier Leute ich hab gerade Outer Banks zu ende gesuchtet und suche jetzt eine neue Serie. Ich schaue bis msximal usk 16. Habt ihr Empfehlungen? Dankee
Wenn auf dem Paket z.B. ein anderer Name steht als auf dem DHL Konto, ist die Abholung immer noch möglich? (Packstation mit QR-Code) Oder ist nur der QR-Code und die Postnummer ausschlaggebend?
Warum gab es diese Serie nur auf deutsch und englisch?
Right now Prime and Netflix. Prime I have because of ordering and streaming is a bonus but otherwise I have decided to have just one more streaming service, more than one I can’t even look at, so it would throw money out to the window. If I have Bock on another streaming service, I quit Netflix before I close another subscription. Why should I have 5 different Abos that I can’t all look?! Nee, that would be a waste of money
Music I stream nix, buy CDs 😅
All mentioned up to Sky. Currently, I use Prime and Disney+ most often, almost daily. I use Paramount+ occasionally, 2-3 times a week at least. Netflix is the rarest thing I’ve been using lately.
I only use Amazon Prime for Twitch.
Disney + I have because there are as good as all series of my childhood (90s).
But not for streaming, but for free shipping and Twitch Prime Gaming rewards.
I don’t care about streaming movies and series.
I have Disney+ and Amazon Prime 👍
Never heard of Paramount +. 😳
Disney+, Sky, Paramount+, (Spotify), Amazon Prime but the most common Prime
Since February and stop Spotify
Disney +
Amazon Prime
I just got Sky on TV!
And Spotify.
I don’t have Netflix anymore. It’s the series that upset me. In as good as any series penetrantes Lgbtq or as that means. I also don’t need to make a gay and a doctor away from the film, a enlightenment round about Hiv. No, no, no, no. But that was too much for me.