Welche Strafe erwartet mich bei Fahrt mit E-Scooter unter Alkohol?
Hey Leute,
gestern wurde ich zunächst mit einem E-Scooter angehalten, weil ich dort noch mit einer anderen Person drauf war. Dabei ist dem Beamter logischerweise der Alkoholgeruch aufgefallen, ja ich weiß 0,0 Grenze.
Soweit so schlecht. Gemessen wurden zunächst vor Ort 0.37 Promille und später mit dem geeichten Dräger Alcotest 9510 0.36 Promille.
Ich bin unter 21, aber bereits aus der Probezeit raus und es ist ein Erstverstoß.
Gefahren bin ich auf einem Gehweg und nicht auf der Straße. Ausfallerscheinungen wurden mir eigentlich nicht direkt vorgeworfen, da ich wie gesagt nur angehalten wurde, da ich zu zweit auf dem Roller war.
So wie ich das gegoogelt habe erwarten mich 250 € und 1 Punkt oder? Der Beamte hat auch nichts von einer Straftat bezüglich dieser 0.3 Promille Grenze gesprochen, sondern lediglich von einer Ordnungswidrigkeit.
Hoffentlich kann mich jemand aufklären. Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Are you sure Promille was measured,
the device outputs the values in milligrams per litre.
mg/l would be good for you, then you would be below 0.5‰.
Promille rather bad, because this value is doubled to get to milligram/liter. Then you would be at 0.72‰, which would cost you 500€ fine plus 28.50€ and also introduce you 2 points and 1 month driving ban.
Yes, exactly were 0.18 mg/l.
Then there’s nothing.
Taking the watch served as proof. The breathing control devices in the vehicles are not a judiciary since they are not calibrated.
Hello crack,
Have you read that he is under 21 years.
No, not at all.
There you interpret something.
How do you take this 0.2‰?
Firstly, the 0.37 ‰ from the first measurement is quite accurate with the sequence measurement of 0.18 mg/l = 0.36 ‰ on the guard,
Secondly, we do not know the period between these measurements.
Suppose these were common 30-90min, I can absolutely not see any rise.
There is a violation of 24c StVG when reading accurately. So it remains that a “then there is nothing” is wrong and weighs the questioner in false security. And an influx of 0.2 promille would not only be new to me, but actually also inadmissible as a basis (for a blood sample then required), since the significant time is that of stopping.
Precisely, taking to watch was just to measure the breathing alcohol once it was measured on site again at the guard. The second measurement was also carried out only on the breathing alcohol. No blood test.
A criminal offence/interest has never been addressed, let alone the FS ensured. The only difference was that the device was calibrated on the guard.
From the question:
“The official hasn’t spoken of a criminal offence with regard to this 0.3 Promille border, but only of an offence.”
Based on this, my answer is quite correct.
If there was a proposal for a criminal offence, it would have been safely informed and most likely the driving licence would have been withdrawn provisionally and the driving licence was confiscated.
The guard may have been taken only because it should be clear whether the questioner was still in the flooding phase, which was not the case.
No, I was stopped because I was on the Scooter at 2, not because of failures etc. The test was carried out only by the alcohol odor in the air.
That’s so wrong. As a result, there are 0.36 promille. Thus, if there is a failure certificate, for which a take to the watch actually speaks at the low value, a penalty acc. §316 StGB.
An electric scooter is also a motor vehicle. Many don’t think so. Therefore, the same rules apply as for all cars, e.g. car and motorcycle.
0.00 – 0.29 Promille: punishable according to various laws (StVG, BO Kraft…) in the trial period or as a professional driver (e.g. taxi) = fine
0,30 – arbitrary promille: punishable if malfunctions were detected in driving according to §316 or §315c StGB = fine or imprisonment + driver’s deprivation and, if applicable, -Sperre
0.50 – 1.09 Promille: punishable according to §24a StVG = fine of 500€ + 1 month driving ban during the first violation, after which 500€ more + 1 month driving ban more
from 1,10 Promille: Always offense according to §316 or 315c StGB = fine or imprisonment + driver’s deprivation and, if applicable, -Sperre
In your case:
E-Scooter under 21 outside the trial period without certificate of failure with 0.36 promille = violation of §21c StVG = 250€ fine + administrative fee (varied depending on the federal state) + 1 point
Thank you.
Sure. Where you drove, by the way, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s a public area. And: Don ́t Drink & Drive! 😉
I’d give it to the questioner,
But how do you get to just 250€, just 1 point and the whole thing without driving ban?
TBNR is the 424600
Hello crack, what’s going on, I don’t know you!
Number : 42 46 66
You have completed the 21st. Year of life as leader of
A motor vehicle has taken an alcoholic drink.
§ 24c para. 1, 2 StVG; 243 BC
250€, 1 point , A
24a is the 0.5 Promille border. This is where 24c would grab for starters. Section 24c(1), 2
Hello DjTildawn,
Consider that you have only prescribed yourself and that §24c (1) STVG thinks.
§ 107 para.1 (3) Owig
Nothing to thank.
Crack usually knows very well in terms of traffic law.
Thank you.
For information: E-Scooter are not separately regulated in the STVO. You expect exactly the same penalties as when driving under the influence of alcohol.
But this has nothing to do with the StVO, as the other alcohol violations are not regulated there. It goes after the StVG and/or the StGB.
250€ fine + 28,50€ processing + 1 point