Welche Strafe droht?
Hallo, nehmen wir an… eine Person, frisch A1 Führerschein fährt mit mehren Freunden durch die Innenstadt mit erhöhter Geschwindigkeit 70-80 km/h und die anderen blockieren die Straßen so dass niemand gefährdet wird.
Dabei wurde man einmal geblitzt und hat 23 rote Ampeln überfahren. Was für eine Strafe würde ihm drohen?
Well, he’s got the license for the next few years. In addition, a few points and of course a juicy fine. The “friends” of course get something. 😉
Driving license completely gone, MPU and a massive fine.
The others would be killed
About 30 kmh?
Illegal road races, speed surpasses, in addition, in the trial period. Then the killing comes, if there is a serious intervention in road traffic
Hopefully, “one person” never gets the driver’s license back…
And killing on the road for his buddies.
Could be designed as a prohibited motor vehicle race.
In any case, it is possible to distort his lobe. This will certainly give a message to the driver’s position and that will doubt a characteristic suitability. This could eventually lead to a MPU…