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Google says: Because for Mofas no classic driver’s license has to be purchased, but only the test certificate, § 21 StVG has no validity here. Driving without a driving licence does not mean that for Mofa drivers they are punishable according to § 21 StVG.
that means again?
May be “just” disorder, more I don’t know, sorry
No – there is no driver’s license for Mofas.
However, there are test certificates.
Driving without such a test certificate would be an offence and thus a fine.
and how high is it?
I can’t tell you in detail with certainty – I guess that’s about 20 to 50 euros.
Without insurance cover, it would be much more violent.
I can’t do that
Without a test certificate, this costs 10€ as far as I know.
Or 20… more aren’t.
It’s just an Owi punished with a fine.
It’s more like fine.
It’s the same.
and how high is
No. There’s punishment in crimes. And you’re not punished by fine payments.
Make high fines and locks for the driver’s license.
in a mofa too?
that’s like a pedelec
No, because the Mofa driver license is not a driving licence under EU law.