Welche Steuern fallen an, wenn ich bei einer Vermögensverwaltenden Gmbh zur Bilanz im Minus bin?
Wenn bei einer Trading/Vermögensverwaltenden GmbH, alle Trades offen sind (egal ob – oder +) habe ich dann Verlust in der Bilanz? Wenn ich nur im Minus bin, muss ich trotzdem Steuern zahlen? (Und ich am Konto kein Geld halte)
Only closed positions are taxed.
That means if I open all positions, I don’t have to pay anything?
This means that you should always open positions with all your money before accounting, so that you don’t have to pay taxes?
Smile, exciting idea. But this is not going to work. Try it on paper for a few years and count what happens.
Positions are changing, it is a capital measure, there a delisting. Under the line, you might save taxes because your money would be gone?
Note: I am not a tax advisor, my ideas on the subject are only because I myself also deduct tax returns.