Welche Steuern entfallen auf eine selbstgeschriebene Software?

angenommen, man hat eine Software oder einen Algorithmus geschrieben und ein Unternehmen möchte diesen abkaufen, also eher die Idee dahinter. Welche Steuern zahlt man darauf, wenn dass Unternehmen 250k bietet?

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1 year ago

Value added tax: if you are not a small business operator, 19% of the turnover is due. You have forwarded the VAT to your customers.

The limit is:

  • $2,000 sales in the current year


  • 50,000 € not expected in the following year

The approach begins every year.

If you are in year 1 below 22,000 € and in the following year probably not more than 50,000 €, the CUR is possible.

If you are over €2,000 in one year, the CUR is not possible in the following year. Once you’re under €2,000 in a year, the CUR would be possible again

Income tax: Here all types of arrival are combined and, after deduction of special expenses and exceptional charges, form your taxable income. Here the first approx. 10.908 € tax-free.

Trade tax: The FA sets a measurement amount from a commercial yield of €24,500, your domicile municipality (or where your business is located) applies its lifting rate and then sets commercial tax.

1 year ago

It is not possible to answer this at all, because it comes to taxable income at the end.