Welche Steuerklasse habe ich als Student in DIESEM FALL?
Hallo, ich bin Student (ledig, keine Kinder) und arbeite bald bei einem Autokonzern als Werkstudent (700€).
Ich werde aber auch für 3 Tage im August kurzfristig angestellt (Verdiene aber weniger als 450€)
Welche Steuerklasse gebe ich bei beiden Verträgen an?
As a working student, you are classified as single in the first class, with the wage tax only at over 1200€ mtl. Gross wage will be retained!
“Short term” Employment depends on whether a Short term employment as a holiday job with a maximum of 3 months or 70 working days in the calendar year as socially insured, but not Tax-free and thus wage-tax class 6 for each further activity available: https://www.minijob-zentrale.de/DE/01_minijobs/02_commercial/01_bases/02_shortterm_commercial_minijobs/01_timelimits/node.html
o d e
possibly. as follows: slight employment as a 450 Euro Minijob at another company, then it depends on whether the mini-job employer for you % Flat rate tax paid: https://www.minijob-zentrale.de/DE/01_minijobs/02_commercial/01_bases/01_450_euro_gewerbe/08_steuerrecht/node.html
Greetings siola55
Class 1
Thanks for the answer, what about short-term employment? It’s supposed to have tax class 6 from 450.
Is it your only job: Stkl 1
up to 450€ or at short notice, the message may be considered as a minijob
I mean, with 700 euros, it’s almost under the amount of income tax to relieve low income people and to allow them a minimum of existence. I think this is about 8300 euro in the year (??)
Bla-blaa… The income tax has nothing to do with pay tax! The Tax payable by: held by Benefits (as the name already says, for example, in the single in grade 1 from approx. 1,200€mtl gross wage) and the Income tax is annual. determined or calculated by the tax office!
Long, long…
In addition, Basic allowance for a single at current 10.437€ + Advertising cost package 1,200€.
Both were increased retroactively to 1.1.2022 😉
Am in the wolverned retirement u keep my all-knowledge at the current stand here with the question/answer game… 😉
Do you have any hobbies?
Faith doesn’t mean to know – why are you answering??? Are you too boring??
What do you not understand about the word “believe”, are you too stupid to read?