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10 months ago

I am a rose fan, have 70 pieces of it (rambler, climbing, floor decker, shrub, historical, wild).

Snow bells, winterlings, crocuses, scars, tulips, scilla, grape hyacinths, hyacinths, Kaiserkronen, Zierlauch, Montbretien, lilies (all onion flowers). sky wrenches, colourful primers, pingstroses, lupins, women’s coat, cleopatra needles, noble margarites, simple margarites, various bell boobs, ysop, sun hat, gold jelly, damming sunflower, summer aster, fat hen, autumn anniversaries, clematis, geißblatt (all dammies). Funkie, Astilbe, Waldmeister, Bärlauch (shadows). Copper-fels berry, corn cherry, Berberitze, hawthorn (free-growing hedge / bird protection). lilacs, sparrows, deutzie, weigelie, hibiscus, peas shrub, elder (free-growing flowering). Eggs, crumbs, tuna (conifers, Thuja as visual protection against gas tank). Lavender, Ginster, Bartblume, (Halbsträucher). Go. Oral grasses, seggs, reeds. Real cat mint, Sandthymian, blood clover. These are in my garden the ornamental plants/wooden/wildobst. Berry bushes and fruit trees.

I find typical “German” gardens beautiful when they have as much as possible native plants and are not so terribly clean up. It should always be flowering, attracting insects, offering bird protection, area for sports and play there, relax corner is great, summer kitchen, garden furniture, place for guests………

10 months ago
Reply to  douschka

I find your answer wonderful.

I’m Bauer, so I have plenty of space. I started to see trees and shrubs about 30 years ago. I have about 60 different tree and shrub species. Even flowers, dams, I like.

10 months ago

For me, everything you can do is relevant. The rest can grow as he wants.

10 months ago

Biological, local plants:

  • Winter snowball (blooms all winter)
  • Schlehe
  • elder
  • currant
  • Currants

In no case invasive neophytes:

The damage to the local biotopes and ecosystems,

because the small animals and insects are not able to adapt quickly enough.

10 months ago

It’s the mix. Lavender, fennel, Asimia Triloba, Bellis, … as long as laurel cherry and ailanthus stay out.