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Kind of has its own charm. Schwerin is also quite beautiful, but next to the castle I can’t win the city much. In Neubrandenburg the atmosphere, at least inside the wall, was very beautiful.
Neubrandenburg has a very well preserved city wall and beautiful 4 city gates. There is also a large lake.
Schwerin has a beautiful castle.
The Schwerin Castle is really beautiful! With the many towers/turm tips.
There are also some scenes for the film Kingsman – The Golden Circle turned…
All cities in McPomm are very beautiful. But Schwerin stands out. This is another league.
I actually know all the cities to choose from and can hardly decide, because all are very beautiful.
So here I call a completely different 🙂:
Goods (Müritz).
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has really many beautiful cities and you have already listed the most beautiful. In this selection, Schwerin clearly has the nose at the front. The castle and the location are fantastic.
Rostock/Warnemünde This symbiosis offers everything for the construction of the views and views.
The Baltic Sea Bath Warnemünde, officially the Seebad Warnemünde, is a part of the village in the north of the Hanseatic city of Rostock in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Together with the district Diedrichshagen, it forms the city area Warnemünde.
I like Wolgast very much. Somehow it’s so original.
You are a good person
Too much of honor!
I remembered that I had served 3 years at the NVA Air Force.
interesting. And were you in Hiddensee in the house of Captain?
No, only in Pennemünde and Elmenhorst.
Then why are you answering?
Your German hat is already well known.