Which city in Baden-Württemberg do you find the most beautiful?
So, for the survey, I chose the six largest cities in Baden-Württemberg. Even as a Mannheim fan, I have to say Heidelberg is simply prettier. I'm curious to hear your opinion.
So, for the survey, I chose the six largest cities in Baden-Württemberg. Even as a Mannheim fan, I have to say Heidelberg is simply prettier. I'm curious to hear your opinion.
In my area in Austria, they only offer chocolate and vanilla flavors. They used to also offer strawberry, hazelnut, and wild berry. Unfortunately, they don't anymore. Even in big-box stores, they only have two varieties. I always order from Amazon now. And they have a whopping 10 varieties. What's the situation in Germany? Are there…
I'm Syrian and specialize in battery technology. I came to Germany on a student visa, and when I applied for it, there was never any mention of me having to return to Syria after my studies to help with the reconstruction there. Quite the opposite: Germany is offering me the opportunity to immigrate after I…
Hello, can you think of a structure for the topic of nuclear fission
Hiii so my favorite Coca-Cola is the Coca-Cola vanilla but I can't find it anywhere not in Rewe, drinks market, Aldi, Edeka nowhere I bought it for the first time in Real but the way there was extremely long and I can't go there every time I'm thirsty I noticed that the Coca-Cola Cherry is…
Every year, there's a new scandal. This is also the case now, when people on the quality television channel ZDF were encouraged to give the Hitler salute. https://www.berliner-kurier.de/show/wahnsinn-im-zdf- Fernsehengarten-fans-schockiert-ueber-irre-hitlergruss-szene-und-andrea-kiewels-vielfliegerei-li.233300 The problem is that public broadcasters are financed through a kind of compulsory levy, meaning they don't have to face any real competition. This essentially gives…
You know why 🤣. The city of the bicycle, my bicycle had to lose as an Austrian…
No, I looked at pictures of the city and I really liked them very well. Especially these pictures have remained in my memory.
Frédérique 🏔️
The city of the driveway and the car Haha. Yes these are also really very beautiful places in Mannheim and the castle is one of the largest in Europe if not the second largest
Wonderful craft town ideally located on the edge of the Black Forest. From the Münster very beautiful view over the city.
The Freiburger Bächle https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freiburger_B%C3%A4chle ensure a pleasant microclimate.
I like the lectures in the Planetarium https://www.planetarium-freiburg.de/pb/1126882.html and are easy to reach as it is located in the outbuilding of the railway station.
Freiburg is also an ideal starting point to get to Switzerland (Basel) or to France (Straßburg).
… or to Colmar, “almost” opposite Freiburg.
right, just not thinking that I even did this with my dear friend.
Freiburg im Breisgau is my birth town. The well-known streams are also a highlight. I find it very nice in Freiburg and likes the proximity to France and Switzerland. Otherwise I love the Black Forest. The European Park is not far away anyway.
In most of the cities listed above, I’ve never been to the station or to the maximum.
Well and I was there in all except Freiburg I only drove 300 times past on the way to Switzerland 😂😂😂 but the area I can say looks nice too but Heidelberg is ontop
From the larger cities, Freiburg is clearly ranked first, I am several times a year. Baden-Württemberg has countless other very beautiful smaller places in the Orteau, on the Hochrhein, on Lake Constance, in the Stuttgart area. …
I live in the Ländle or not far from the Swabian Alb. Can definitely recommend Münsingen but also the village of Rechtenstein near Munderkingen is always worth a trip
It doesn’t always have to be big cities. Small and medium-sized cities also have their charm. Examples:
Calw or Swabian Hall… I wouldn’t confine myself to the biggest. Tübingen is also very nice, for example.
Yes later I will take other
The old town is ideal for walking, including all the sights. It was very often there and yet you find something new.
None of them. BW is just terrible, in every way.
what do you think the worst? where do you like it better?
The dialect and the mentality that people might override the other things a little, but I can’t combine something positive with anything from BW. You can also forget the kitchen. The carnival is very bad. I used to live there for 3.5 years, it was the worst time of my life, I’m not just saying that. If I want to go to France, I’m going a way around so I don’t have to go through BW.
About half of the Swabians live in Bavaria!
Thank you
Thank you, too:)
So if you come from Munich, the home is not far away if you should go to Italy 😉
It depends in the north where you are. The weather isn’t that bad. Sometimes it rains briefly vigorously and after that the rest of the day radiates the sun. And by the wind clouds are blown away faster than in the land. We were on rogues the other day, it was fantastic. Air, weather, landscape, people, I was very positively surprised. I didn’t know Rügen before, only Sylt, the North Sea coast, Kiel, Lübeck, Rostock and Usedom. If I hadn’t lost my heart to the south, I’d go straight to Rügen. I wish you a lot of success in finding your new home.
Happy Christmas!
I am not dissatisfied with Bavaria in the sense, but since where I come from (girls) everything is extremely focused on career. I also saw everything here in 28 years. time for what new 😀
Important to me is a friendly, warm type of people and actually good weather. the latter speaks strongly against the north of Germany…
and yes if I could choose it, I would probably actually emigrate to Italy as your username says. but it is not so easy to emigrate and some of the things are appreciated in Germany…
The Bavarians are quite different from the Swabians, I don’t think you’ll be happy. I was more often in Bavaria and the people there are much nicer, even though some are special. That’s better for worlds than anything I’ve seen in BW.
You Bavaria have such a beautiful dialect, you’re sure to be quite different in the whirlpool…
yes I had the idea…then for the info
I didn’t miss the carnival, but the carnival cult there was very scary. All the witches and devils, disgusting.
In D I like it better on the coast, people are very nice and warm. I decided to leave D completely. I’m moving it to the south and in a few years I made it and can go.
I’m just asking because I’m thinking about moving away from Bavaria to see something new
You mean the carnival missed you in BaWü?
Which country is more likely to tell you about mentality?
Heidelberg has a very nice old town. But I also find Pforzheim very beautiful.
Heidelberg, my absolute favorite city in Germany 😜🤩
Yes The city is really beautiful and not far away from me hahaha
It was very nice when I was there. There were many shops and some beautiful sights.
My first friend came from there. The woman has passed, but I kept the city in my heart and am still very happy there.
For me one of the most beautiful cities in Germany.
Looks pretty.
Überlingen am Bodensee
Hello Lord!
Heidelberg is also very nice I experienced an unforgettable hour there.
Nice Tuesday