Welche Stadt hasst du am meisten?
Ich hasse Freiburg.
Seine Haende sind nicht gerade.
Moin, Kennt jemand die Merkmale eines solchen erbgangs und wie man den unterscheidet von anderen Erbgängen (X-chromosomal/ autosomal) und wie man den genotypes bestimmt?? Lg
Oder haben nur eine Hand voll Leute Talent für etwas?
In Paris soll es gerade ja Proteste geben, Müll liegt auf der Straße überall, welche sie auch verbrannt werden. Ich weiss nicht in welche Regionen das alles passiert, deswegen falls ihr Infos habt gerne Mitteilen:)
For me it is also Freiburg im Breisgau. I don’t “ass” the city, but I don’t like it. I have never experienced an unfriendly climate in a city elsewhere, no matter where. Coupled with an arrogance that really pulled out your shoes and a lasting self-imagination of because of “University and Bishop City” as well as a cult that was driven around this city, it was really unbearable to me there.
No matter who you asked, no matter where you showed up: People were consistently unfriendly, arrogant at the border to the wickedness, incompetent and ultimately gave a feeling not to be welcome or even inferior. The various situations are like the multi-cited red thread from shop visits to a car workshop to questions about the way or a snack/guestyard.
I myself did not appear unfriendly or demanding, but for me the Freiburgers were only to describe “unfriendly” and “cool” as well as honestly “unhappy”. I’ve never seen anything like this in another city. Generally, however, I did not experience the people in the Black Forest as friendly: if they were friendly, it was set up because of the tourists and their money, but it did not come from heart – with some human knowledge and some experience you can see so quickly.
The only friendly people I met there in the course of the time spent in Freiburg were in the city centre (Kaiser-Joseph-Straße, is that so?) a man from Thuringia, a pensioner from Memmingen/Bayern and a tourist from the Ruhr area in a tram. I think this speaks for itself.
However, I must also say that the respective attitude towards the Church can trigger a lot and draw into the negative. Where the human strokes are very “ecclesiastical” and are very happy, here one can also call the Black Forest (Erzdiözese Freiburg), the coexistence is generally more jammed, closed and unfriendly.
I think it also depends on where you get away, I found the people in the Black Forest really normal, not like “Hurra, let’s be friends” but not unpleasant. I know Westphalia from which fewer words would have been heard and which probably was greeted;)
I’m a Bavarian swab – the Naturell is soft, friendly, compassionate, maybe a bit very “lower”. I just know it differently – I know it in both the Bavarian and the Swabian friendly and uncomplicated. You get to know each other, you’re usually fast, it just fits.
The bathers I have between approx. Mannheim-Heidelberg, the mountain road, the Odenwald and the Taubertal (here all the people I’ve ever met were friendly, and quite relaxed, cozy stall^) experienced as very unfriendly – up to very few exceptions, such as an acquaintance at Grenzach on the Swiss border.
It’s just unfair to hate towns because every city has its Hui and Pfui corners and also the inhabitants shouldn’t be shoved over a comb. Assholes and fun brakes are found everywhere.
I’ve never been to Freiburg yet, but don’t associate a lively city you should hate.
Hate I wouldn’t call it, but Siegen is already mostly really ugly, sometimes it stinks as the heavy industry lies in the middle of the valley and the natives are “special”. I went to school for 2 years and worked for 1 1/2 years in teaching, the people are really running almost all with a bat to the floor, are filthy and humor-free.
The mountain people mean to live in a metropolis on 7 hills but well.
Perhaps this is also a little inheritance, I come from the former “Feindesland” (the one evangelical oranjes, the other catholic Kurkösche) 😀
Schwerin, the streets are so bad. I have to go to the workshop every time I was there. Fortunately, I don’t have to go there anymore.
Frankfurt… today shows the future of how to become all other cities when you now change nix (in terms of education, TikTok etc)
I don’t like Freiburg either.
But I like Stuttgart even less.
all cities in the east + gelsenkirchen
I hate the voice in parts, but she doesn’t like it really.
In addition, this refers to individual cities and not to all cities in the east, some have something.
flensburg, has cost me many points
Bingo! Me too. A bad self-righteous green hole.
Why is that?
eyyyyy, apparently only you know the fucking corner…