Welche SSD um Windows und Spiele drauf zu haben?
Welche gute SSD gibt es um da Windows und auch paar spiele drauf zu installieren?
mind. 1tb
Welche gute SSD gibt es um da Windows und auch paar spiele drauf zu installieren?
mind. 1tb
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In principle, you can take as good as any.
Whether M.2 SSD or a simple 2.5″SATA SSD is basically no matter as long as you do not permanently move large amounts of data from one SSD to another.
I had so far some SSD’s, be it SATA, M.2 NVMe PCI-e 3.0 or 4.0, and in normal operation or gaming the differences are honestly so minimal that one can grasp one of the cheapest models. Absolutely no matter if 2.5″SATA or just an M.2 SSD.
Yes, with an M.2 NVMe the system is a bit faster, but here you talk about seconds in the single-digit range.
Should I rather take a DRAM cache or a SLC cache
A SSD with DRAM cache has more stable reading/writing speeds. This is the DRAM, just like the memory works. SLC is a flash memory that lasts the data.
Now it’s about what your requirements are. You’re missing or copying large amounts of files, DRAM Cache.
Otherwise, in my opinion, nothing speaks against SLC cache.
I have installed both variants in the PC and in gaming or quite normal office activities, surfing, just activities where not large files need to be read or written and that is constantly no significant difference.
I would say for your operating system take a smaller SSD (250GB or 500GB, for example) with DRAM cache and for your games a separate SSD with 1TB or 2TB, depending on how much you need and it does not matter to my experience whether DRAM or SLC cache.
One is above the PCI-e 4.0 x16 slot, this is covered with a heat sink for an M.2 SSD, the second is directly below the slot for the graphics card.
But if I look at a picture of my mainboard I only see a SSD slot
M.2 slots have the motherboard 2 pieces plus 4 SATA ports.
I don’t know if I have 2 places for a SSD, I have the MSI B550M Pro
Okay, thanks
To have “something on it” goes every…
I have the Samsung 970 Evo plus
And in Ps5 the Samsung 980 Pro
So you got these? https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/1TB-Samsung-SSD-980-M-2-PCIe-3-0-x4-3D-NAND-TLC-MZ-V8V1T0BW-_1401241.html
No this in however as 2 TB version in the Ps5
However, the 970 Evo Plus of my guess is enough, in the Ps5 I only have this SSD in because of the minimum requirements of the console
Just like that. Where in the PC I have the Evo, I think you mean the Evo Plus.
The 980 Pro has also fallen significantly in price, which is really recommended.
yes I mean
With SSDs you can’t do something wrong.
In principle, you can buy the cheapest.
Now the “Nerds” will probably shout out and say, “No, you need a Samsung Pro… but the great possible transmission speeds can be neglected as a normal home user.
Especially if you don’t have multiple SSDs, and constantly scooping data from A to B.
And when you are shocking, there are hardly any noticeable advantages whether you now have 700 MB/s or 1,400 MB/s.
For Windows, I would generally reach an M.2 SSD, the Samsung Evo 980 or the Crucial P2 would offer themselves, especially since they are also in a very good range. For under 100€, there is quite good M.2 SSDs.
For the operating system an extra SSD.