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7 months ago

No matter which surgery does not, but should it actually be an operation according to which a thrombosis prophylaxis is necessary, then this is the small syringe that you usually get in the evening, yes.

7 months ago
Reply to  DorktorNoth

Why do you always get them?

I had a stationary surgery on my shoulder and got that sprayed every night. Although I was relatively “mobile”.

At my outpatient surgery on the hustle, after which I moved for two weeks only for the most necessary and lay almost 24 hours in bed, there was no. Why?

7 months ago
Reply to  AnonymePinsa

Well… there are requirements to avoid thromboses in the form of a so-called S3 line “Prophylaxe of venous thrombemboly”. According to this guideline, the decision should be made whether or not syringes are used for thrombosis prophylaxis and/or what else to do. These are 238 pages with rules and evidence from scientific studies on what makes sense. As I have just read, after operations on arm and shoulder, in otherwise mobile patients, no thrombosis syringe has to be given. By the way, not at all. One can deviate from guidelines with a good reason, these are not totally rigid rules, but whether and if so what exceptions exist with you I do not know

7 months ago

I didn’t get a syringe after my Wisdom Op and I didn’t get it after a mother painting removal.

In this case, I find a thrombosis syringe rather insane… it has an effect in patients who are not immediately mobile after surgery, which is not the case with wisdom teeth or a simple maternal distance.

7 months ago
Reply to  marthaa628

You don’t have to. It took me a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes and they were all out.

The two weeks after that were certainly not the most pleasant in my life. But even as a pain-sensitive person, in which it is cured very slowly, I can say: It is good to survive.

If you have any questions about spraying or the like, please contact your doctor. Like I said, I didn’t get one after the surgery. And I had a local anaesthesia, so if I had been awake, that would have been the case.

7 months ago

Depends on the surgery. As a rule, however, anticoagulants. (Anti-thrombosis syringe)

7 months ago

Anticoagulants are only obtained after certain surgery.