Welche Sprache ist leichter?
Welche Sprache findet ihr leichter?
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Welche Sprache findet ihr leichter?
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Meine Freundin hat sich eine Kette auf dem Flohmarkt gekauft und wir haben versucht, diese zu übersetzen, aber wir finden keine.
Dear Community, this question has been on my mind for a long time, and perhaps you have some advice for me. Wolves are considered to be the most exemplary animals in terms of their social behavior, and yet they are still hunted and killed mercilessly. Butwhat is the connection to the so-called wolves in sheep’s…
Frage richtet sich insbesondere an die Leute, die dieses oder letztes Jahr ihre Ausbildung angefangen haben. Ich selber habe meine Ausbildung behalten und habe ab Dienstag wieder Blockunterricht.
Hallo ich schreibe in 10 Tagen mein erstes Examen. Wie bekomme ich viel Information schnell in mein Kopf? Tipps?
was bedeutet es wenn ein junge zu einem mädchen sagt: du bist eine römische eins
Even lighter than all others.
Lighter than what?
I find English and italian or Spanish relatively simple, but if you have grown up with Chinese for example, you will be more Korean and Japanese (not only because of the characters but also because of similar grammar)
Depends on what the native language is. Generally speaking, I would say English. But if you speak Spanish, for example, languages like Catalan are very easy to learn.
Mostly the native language.
English is very easy to learn and follows a simple system.
Lighter than what?
For me personally, certain languages are probably easier than for you – and probably vice versa.
The question is therefore quite irrelevant.
Lighter than what?
You can’t answer the question.
English and Norwegian