Welche Sportart könnte ich machen/ausprobieren?
Ich habe Kinderturnen gemacht, Leichtathletik, Fußball, Schwimmen, Jujitsu und Tischtennis/Tennis. Alles hat mir keinen spaß gemacht. Welche soll ich ausprobieren?
Ich habe Kinderturnen gemacht, Leichtathletik, Fußball, Schwimmen, Jujitsu und Tischtennis/Tennis. Alles hat mir keinen spaß gemacht. Welche soll ich ausprobieren?
Hallo, ich habe dieses Trikot heute gewaschen nur wahrscheinlich zu warm und jetzt ist der Flock so kaputt. Ich würde dieses Trikot aber gerne noch öfter tragen. Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Hey Haben alte sammel Karten gefunden wollte mal fragen wie viel diese Karte wert ist
Hallo, ich hadere aktuelle, ob ich morgen zum Public Viewing gehen soll. Montag Abend hat meine Erklärung mit Halsschmerzen begonnen. Mittlerweile sind diese weg und ich hab nur noch Schnupfen und Husten und fühle mich noch leicht schlapp. Meint ihr, ich riskiere einen Rückfall wenn ich morgen für ca 4-5 h unterwegs bin und Fußball…
Gerne auch begründen warum ^^
Hey, ich suche noch eine Möglichkeit meine ganzen Panini Sammelalben aufzubewahren. Ich habe bereits öfters die sogenannten Comic Bags gesehen. Allerdings noch nicht die richtige Größe gefunden (ca. 232×270 mm). Könnt ihr mir weiterhelfen? Wie bewahrt ihr eure Sammelalben auf?
Only you can know what’s fun for you and if you don’t know, you’ll have to try on. There are a lot of sports where you have to come up with the idea that they have to find out if there is one in the area. The search on the Internet can be a bit difficult, depending on the situation.
I’m copying a passage that I like to copy to other answers, which is my preferred strategy. First of all, what kind of sport did I become a sports enthusiast? At that time, it was climbing as an initial ignition, I had this feeling full of “Can’t I, still fun” and just wanted to get better to have more fun. You can also do that, or even absolutely not.
Now you can go to the search. You have to know what sports are. I always like to recommend a look at Urban Sports Club because you find more sports than looking for local sports clubs. I also don’t know how old you are (participation in Urban Sports is only from 18, and not with the consent of parents), and it’s not exactly a snapper, but has advantages and disadvantages.
So go to the Urban Sports Club website. Not even directly to sign up, but to watch. Urban Sports Club is a network where you can use a lot of providers with just one (very expensive) subscription. You can also see the providers without registration, which is quite good in the search for ideas. There are not all organizers of your area partner members, but often very many. You get to know sports that you didn’t know there are (in your area or at all). Then you can think about: Are you trying? Please register for Urban Sports is available monthly. Do you generally say you found 5 things that could make you fun, and would each of them be 1x a week? The registration is also worthwhile. Are you, like me, landing climbing and having several halls in the area that are all in Urban Sports? This is also worth it because you get much better when you go into different halls that have different screw styles on the routes. Do you have a favorite that you want to go through? Then Urban Sports re-arrange and register with the provider itself, is usually cheaper for you (less membership fee) and better for the provider (the full money from you).
Or maybe there will also be a sport that you can train at home or outside in the park (because you don’t need any or just some accessories) or (because there is no vendor near you) you can get to know through Youtube or the TV.
Just think about it, as thoughts like “I have climbed up everywhere as a child, climbing hall would have to be fun,” “Parkour with all the obstacles and spectacular moves would make me the boring jogging much more attractive,” “I always wanted to make ballet as a child, I want to go as an adult now,” “I have seen at the super talent or another TV show Poledance, and the stripe looks really great and not at
I do a lot of yoga and run. Both highly recommended: You don’t need great equipment and can just start, you can do both alone and as a group. I also play volleyball, right now it’s my most fun:)
Handball, basketball or climbing.
Shopping basket
Schifoan or handball😊
There are numerous sports that you can try out. Each sport has its own stimuli and challenges. It’s important that you find something that’s fun and fits your lifestyle. Why don’t you just learn about different possibilities and try something new? Who knows, maybe you’ll discover a new passion.
Cycling, medium-range running, dancing?
I’d recommend athletics. I made the Golden Sports Badge 30 times. I also ran long distances 3000 and 5000m. I’m 87 years old and fit like a gym shoe.
LG by Manfred
Fighting sounds good at calibrating