Welche Spinnenart ist das?
Kennt sich eventuell irgendwer mit Spinnen aus und könnte mir sagen, welche das ist?
Bzw. ob sie gefährlich ist?
Hab im Internet keine gefunden, die dieser vom aussehen am Rücken ähnlich aussieht…
Danke im Voraus!
Schönen Tag noch 🙂
As you can easily see on the cross, this is a cross-spinning, just a dark colored garden cross-spinning. Cross-spinnings are ready-made animals that rarely bite and whose poison is harmless to humans.
Garden cross spiders, which are very variable in color and also from the pattern. Approximately for people and pets.
It’s a crosspin…
Thank you for the question. You see these spiders a lot in autumn. I’ve always wanted to know what kind this is.
If it is large, it can bite the human, but it is necessary to annoy them properly. The bite is as far as I know less bad than a puppy bite. They are very useful to make quite large nets and eat such a bunch of annoying viechers. Now they’re looking for a shelter for the winter.
The absolutely deadly mass destruction spider. Recommended to emigrate.
You don’t have to emigrate. Napalm solves every problem.
You’re absolutely right. Thank you, I will try the next time in any case ^^^
A very pretty cross-spinning, I love spiders.