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Wer kennt sich da aus?
Also ich möchte auch Politiker Mitglied werden , darf ich dann zbs eine private Instagram Seite haben ? Bin zur zeit Tattoo Model und teile Fotos könnte es ein Nachteil haben ?
From the list actually YouTube but I don’t see YT as social media.
My words! 🙂 Is still a video platform (with possibilities for interaction). But there aren’t even private messages.
Mastodon, or the fediverse in general.
This is much better because it is decentralized and to large parts of open source. If I don’t want a provider to have my data, I can just put my own server at my home and host my account there. Moreover, this method makes it almost impossible for censorship to take place. In addition, I can also determine what I see, or what I block and thus not only do not let My profile display as with other social media platforms, but also prevent a profile from contacting my server.
I find this easier than all other social media platforms.
I like being on Reddit.
I use YouTube most often, but is not a social media platform.
Mostly leaves with me (even also ^).
Watch shorts or listen to music, but usually normal videos.
LG ^
Watch YouTube ^-^
What are you looking at?
Have good taste 😉
I know but look interesting
Skeez, you?
Do not use any of the other social media programs mentioned.
Shame Who chooses TikTok
YT fits so ðŸTM‚