Welche Social Media Manager Weiterbildung mit Live-Unterricht könnt ihr empfehlen?
Hallo zusammen,
ich möchte mich im Bereich Social Media Management weiterbilden und suche eine Weiterbildung, die Live-Unterricht bietet, gerne online. Wichtig ist mir, dass die Kurse praxisnah sind und aktuelle Themen abdecken.
Hat jemand von euch Erfahrungen mit einem Anbieter, den ihr empfehlen könnt? Worauf sollte ich bei der Auswahl achten? Ich bin für jeden Tipp dankbar! 😊
Danke im Voraus für eure Hilfe!
Hello to me, look at your question – do you know my-now.de? Is the national training portal. Supplier – yes, this is certainly always very individual, where/how one feels most relaxed, your theme has great width. My Now can be browsed, for example, by teaching, if necessary by means of funding options, and there are also possibilities for agreeing individual advice. This is also available via a BBiE (occupational counselling), can be agreed via local employment agency, free of charge. Vlt. can help you with the tip. Greetings for the start of the year!
Looking for professional training & find my NOW
Thank you for your helpful tip! At my-now.de, I actually made myself smart. It’s a good platform, but I have to say I’ve been trying to find the right training for days, and you’re almost beaten by the many offers. It is really difficult to get through all the options and find something suitable.
I was hoping to hear some of the experiences of others here to make a more targeted decision.
Thanks again and a good start to the new year! 😊
Hello to you – and thank you for your kind answer! Yes, there are many different options to discover, we share in the project information that could be generalised, always free. I’m telling you the thumbs that you could also exchange yourself for experiences in the meantime! Take a good start to the new year!💐Love Greetings