Welche Skincare Routine?
Habt ihr eine gute Skincare Routine für Teenager?
Ich würde mal behaupten, dass mein Hauttyp normale Haut ist, ich habe zwischendurch den einen oder anderen Pickel, aber ja.
Ich will gleich zu Rossmann, habt ihr Produktempfehlungen und eine gute Routine? Weil ich weiß nicht, wem ich glauben soll und was wirklich gut ist.
Morning: Sun protection (Babylove, No Cosmetics)
Cleaning oil (Isana)
Moisture cream (Isana pure, Isana med, No Cosmetics)
So for routine:
Most of the good Skincare products I had are from Balea (so only available at dm) and I don’t know so well with Rossmann products, but there is a good cleaning water from Garnier that you can also buy there:
A mild wash lotion is complete. The Skin Care Hype only makes the manufacturers rich.
The more you melt on your skin, the more you irritate and stress it. She’ll be fine alone.
I watched videos from skin physicians and Skincare is already important, of course only if the diet is correct.
Like I said, the skin is fine on its own. You don’t take heart tablets if the heart doesn’t miss anything.