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He’s hard, uncompromising, merciless. But also absolutely trustworthy and reliable. He never acts against his principles. He is also a loving, caring and responsible father and grandfather.
Loyalty! Extremely good character design
And fair….at better call Saul he always tried to tell his boss Gustavo Fring decisions when he felt them unfair and wrong.
Jesse Bruce Pinkman
because, unlike some others, he is a good person, so I like the episode Peekaboo (which in s2 with the little boy) so much. Besides, I find the actor just fucking good, and you can always see what he feels right now and so. Unlike Walt and Mike, he doesn’t care if he kills someone. He is so broken at the end, I am so sorry that his two friends die😢😢
btw, in the “Skyler white yo”-scene she says “you stay away from my husband or you will be one sorry individual” and she was right!
Jesse is really a good soul. The negative influence of Mr White on him is already severe.
Did you see el camino? When you look at it as a continuation, he now lives a hopefully happy life in Alaska. He deserved that.
I’d be looking at any more continuation right away. Even if these like el camino will never get to break bad.
Did you see better call saul?
I saw El Camino, but I didn’t get so clear that Aaron Paul was aged in the meantime, with better caul Saul I recently started
Actually, Better Call Saul would have to look at Breaking Bad. To understand how all this has come. Then breaking bath and then El Camino. I find Better Call Saul very good, even if you have to understand the beginning. I’ve seen the series twice.
Clearly Walter White.
Why? It was almost the worst of all
But also a very interesting character, especially when you look at the conversion. He remained a loving husband and father until the end. Anyway, he wanted to be. He finally got his colleague, Pinkman, and lost his own life.