What are the most difficult subjects to study?
In general, which courses of study place very high demands on students?
Maybe something in the field of physics?
You can also create a series of, for example, the three most difficult ones.
In general, which courses of study place very high demands on students?
Maybe something in the field of physics?
You can also create a series of, for example, the three most difficult ones.
What should I do, I'm desperate
Good day, I (16) have been working in retail for a few days. However, my manager requires my ID. My father gave me my passport, but my manager said they needed my ID card . At home, I asked again if I really didn't have an ID card. My father replied that I didn't have…
Hey, I started eating vegan on Monday, but I haven't told anyone at work. Now I'm having trouble with this: my boss just posted in the group that we don't need to bring anything to eat tomorrow because he cooked something for us to try. I can't just blurt out that I'm vegan. Should I…
Isn't the current strength the decisive factor?
Very difficult: Mechanical engineering, engineering, physics – because, in addition to mathematics, a practical understanding is incorporated scientifically. Those who do not have a producible relation to relevant topics in reality will be hard to do in the subjects, just as those who have a problem with math. There are limits to chemistry.
Infinitely heavy: Mathematics for people who reach their limits in higher mathematics. For people who have higher maths well, easy.
It is also often difficult to cross-sectional subjects such as economic engineer, business info, etc., because one is on the go at two faculties and not as much as the content of module transitions has classic subjects.
Jura: obtaining a very good note is really very difficult, you have to reach an extreme understanding in more impossible, untypical matter for the human mind.
Medicine: Physics is demanding, then memorizing. Hard in medicine is more likely to get a place to study and keep through.
Experimental theology.
Medicine, Law, Physics, Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering
I don’t think I’m going to be hard on medicine. Tell Aaaah. Hustle them. I’ll give them that my computer recommends.
I can assure you that medicine is one of the most difficult studies. What are you doing?
The physics is demanding, otherwise just learning.
In Jura it’s hard to get a good note. There is no such high hurdle.
I’d take Jura out! It’s not that hard.
Bye. Report back if you don’t troll right now.
A friend of mine learned it here at the vocational school. Two weeks of school, two weeks of hospital. Today he is a doctor in the local hospital
Troll elsewhere..
Sure. Three years of learning where heart, lung and liver lie and nich 2 years in hospital people sniff.
Then you’ll be a little ridiculous if you’re saying it’s gonna be so messed up…
I studied it.
Then study it…
And you can’t compare apples with pears
I don’t think so. Mathe is much heavier. Or theology
Can I confirm
The couple of pieces. Every bodybuilder knows
There are also muscles
Oh, the few organs are found
MINT courses are considered to be the most difficult
Mathematics, Computer Science, Science, Technology
Computer science is feasible.
It’s possible.
what’s mine?
Yes wrote above Mint fan with explanation according to statistics. Your personal opinion can also be another.
in mathematics and natural sciences, one can learn more about the teeth than in computer science.
Should be very heavy
quite generally natural sciences and mathematics.