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Definitely TBBT, at least I can laugh.
At Friends I have to say the incentive to look the series has been lost.
And at HIMYM the end was a disaster for me.
I find How i met your Mother and The Big Bang Theory good, especially there is a Spin-off Young Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory
In my opinion, ‘Friends’.
I looked the series four times. Two times in German and two times in English.
Definitely The Bug Bang! I love these dialogues, that is exactly my humour.
I’m never really involved in FRIENDS. It just doesn’t have the same joke.
How I Met Your Mother is also a cool series I like to watch, but TBBT is just better.
I love Big Bang Theory from the three. Even the funny kind of Sheldon is very amusing for me because I myself am an asperger.
But the other character is also funny for shooting. Amy somehow fascinates me because her actress Mayim Bialik is herself a doctor of neuroscience and plays several musical instruments.
I love friends, but Big Bang is also great 🫶🏼
I find the big bang theory best because you always find this series
so I can still watch under 15 and watch the series already filled 5 times at the end and I play football and almost never watch far or something similar
Big Bang, at least the first seasons before that became a couple-doctor.
I find the Big Bang theory best.
How I Met Your Mother
Tbbs 100%