Which SD card for my Samsung ES80 digital camera?

Hello, I'm not sure exactly what's compatible and what isn't. Maybe there are some experts here who know which ones I should buy. I don't want to buy a really expensive one, but rather a cheaper one if possible 🙂

Thanks in advance!

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1 year ago


Intenso SDHC 8GB Class 10 Memory Card https://amzn.eu/d/c7C8AyI

1 year ago

in the rule are the values for compatible memory cards in the operating instructions of a camera; type and maximum memory size.

but do not buy cheap, but brandware, e.g. from panasonic or samsung. an 8 gb can be used in the camera approx. 2,000 recordings should be enough for the holiday.

1 year ago

Be sure who buys cheap, buys two times.

Invest a few euros more and save yourself grief and frustration. To your question, the ES-80 fits a MicroSD card that can be up to 8gb. It’s best, even if it’s expensive, to get you some of Samsung itself or Hama.

1 year ago
Reply to  annabelladirk

According to the net, you take the risk of buying it for free. It can be that it is recognized, but is not guaranteed.