Which SD card for my Samsung ES80 digital camera?
Hello, I'm not sure exactly what's compatible and what isn't. Maybe there are some experts here who know which ones I should buy. I don't want to buy a really expensive one, but rather a cheaper one if possible 🙂
Thanks in advance!
Intenso SDHC 8GB Class 10 Memory Card https://amzn.eu/d/c7C8AyI
in the rule are the values for compatible memory cards in the operating instructions of a camera; type and maximum memory size.
but do not buy cheap, but brandware, e.g. from panasonic or samsung. an 8 gb can be used in the camera approx. 2,000 recordings should be enough for the holiday.
Be sure who buys cheap, buys two times.
Invest a few euros more and save yourself grief and frustration. To your question, the ES-80 fits a MicroSD card that can be up to 8gb. It’s best, even if it’s expensive, to get you some of Samsung itself or Hama.
So no 32 GB etc?
According to the net, you take the risk of buying it for free. It can be that it is recognized, but is not guaranteed.