Welche Schwimmtechnik ist eure Lieblingstechnik?
Bevor jetzt irgendjemand ankommt und fragt, warum ich diese höchst relevante Frage stelle: Ich möchte damit eine neue Formel zur Berechnung einer Oberfläche von einem Schokoladen Croissant aufstellen.
Ne spaß mich interessiert es einfach nur
PS: Ich nehme die 4 Standardschwimmtechniken (Es gäbe ja noch Freistil- und Lagenschwimmen)
That’s how I swim most, but sometimes on my back. I can’t crawl
Is there a formula how to calculate the surface of a chocolate croissants and differs from a normal croissant?
Of course they are. First you have to calculate the height of the Eiffel Tower. These then multiply with Pi and then count minus the hair of a baldhead. When you do everything right, you have the surface
According to Google, the Eifelturm is 340m tall. The multiplied by pi results rounded 1068,14. Minus 0 does not have to be calculated because it does not change. Thus the surface of a croissant is 1068,14m2 (I mean here of course high two but I don’t know how to make it on the phone) but I don’t think that can be quite right
Of course:)
But it’s not a question
Actually, this is the only technique that I can swim over longer distances. However, my breast technique is so modified that I would be disqualified immediately at any official competition – for this it is extremely efficient.
I am the most enduring and fastest
Is the most relaxed every evening to swim some tracks
Followed by the back swim.
It’s just my favorite way to swim.
Kraul. I can best and I’m getting the slowest tired.
I played waterball for many years. There’s the main floating styl claw, so it’s also best for me:)
I love dolphin swimming extremely, even if it gets exhausting after a certain time. I feel the most comfortable and on swimming competitions I usually swim through all dolphin routes once (i.e. 50m, 100m and 200m dolphin)
Hello, Milkasway!
I swim almost every day 1000 meters. And in the process usually in a change of 1 track chest, then back
Good week
Hope that helps you for your formula 👍
That’s what I find most relaxed! I like backs if it’s without arms.
I feel the fastest and fun
Normally I swim in the bathroom alternately chest and claw, in open waters more chest or I splash on my back.