welche Schreibperspektive im Roman?
hi, ich bin gerade dabei, meine erste Triologie zu erfinden und zu plotten (bin bei der Erfindung von Band 3). Beim ersten der drei Bücher war ich mir sicher, ich wolle in der 1. Person Singular (Ich- Perspektive) schreiben, da es durchgehend nur um eine Person geht.
Bis zu Band drei wird allerdings die Handlung etwas komplizierter und somit müsste man zwangsläufig in der 3. Person Singular erzählen, da die Storyline sonst wenig Sinn ergeben würde. Welche Perspektive soll ich wählen?
Couldn’t you write in the following pages in the 1st perspective, even if you have different point of views? That’s how I do this at least in my turn, where I have exactly the same problem.
Yes, that would be a possibility. then you just write when changing the Pov’s, from what perspective is just written?
Yeah, I’ll write about it. :
I would choose the same perspective in a row.
You might be able to change in a book by chapter. This naturally increases the tension and makes it more dynamic, but I find it easily confusing and is certainly more difficult to write.
I’d advise you to choose a narrative form. I think that’s most pleasant.
The best way to find the third person narrator. In my opinion, you can change the narrative perspective most cleanly. The danger that the reader gets messed up, who is currently acting, is very low there, as it is necessary to mention the name again and again.
Of course, you can also use MirandaXo’s proposed solution. But then it is essential that you calibrate your change of perspective in a reasonable way, so write out what view is being taken. Even then, however, the danger is much higher than the readers can get together with the perspectives.
3. Person is the easiest to start writing.
Also 1. Person is simple at first glance (as writing letter), but protagonist is not omniscient. If he tells the reader something, it must also be explained in some way where he/she knows. This can work quickly.
Mostly the omniscient (similar) narrator knows. He doesn’t only know who did what when, he also knows the thoughts, either just the protagonist or all those acting.
I don’t think so bad. Is varied and the reader has the chance to take a different look at the trilogy
Change of perspective is already exhausting enough, then changing the narrative form is a NoGo.