Welche Säure greift Kohlenstoff nicht an?

Hallo, ich möchte einen Brillanten aus einem Edelstahlring herausätzen. Der Brillant besteht aus Kohlenstoff und soll nicht angegriffen werden.
Welche Säure eignet sich dafür?
Danke RB

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2 years ago

A mixture of concentrated nitric acid/salt acid, also called royal water, dissolves the stainless steel frame of the diamond without attacking the diamond itself. But be careful, this mixture is very dangerous [strong etching] and certainly not for individuals.

2 years ago
Reply to  Monazit

Did you try that? I wouldn’t recommend that.

nitric acid is strongly oxidizing, only quite in combination with hydrochloric acid. Chlorine radicals are formed…

2 years ago

You really do that?

I don’t know any proton acid that attacks carbon. Presumably this only works with so-called oxidizing acids, such as concentrated sulfur, or nitric acid, or peroxosulphuric acid. Heat the ‘best’.

On the other hand, it takes some time to dissolve stainless steel. Hydrochloric acid would be cheap, but it is from (25 % of the building market). Fourthly, semiconcentrated sulphuric acid would offer (even cheap, but does not gas out). It is only necessary to take care of dilution/disposal. It is best to pour into a large/complete bucket with cold water, otherwise the acid sprays around.

However, you don’t get them as normal anymore. To prevent acid attacks on people (and pictures?) there is no more battery acid for normalos…

Could be hard!

2 years ago
Reply to  Roland684

Okay, THAT may be…

This will not happen at all, but such surface effects will be handled less in chemistry. Sry…

If this is so, it will probably be similar to all strong acids, possibly from a certain concentration. On the other hand, you will not be able to dissolve the steel in vinegar….