Welche riesigen Mengen Einnahmen macht der italienische Staat an der Maut?

Die italienische Maut ist extrem teuer. Ein Fahrt von Nord- bis Mittelitalien kostet schnell mal 40€. Täglich gibt es sooo viele Autos die auf italienische Autobahnen fahren. Was der Staat einnimmt ist ja nicht normal. Zumal die meisten italienischen Autobahnen auf einem recht einfachen Boden gebaut werden.
Meine Fragen: Wie viel nimmt der Staat täglich ein an Maut? Wieso sind die Autobahnen bei den hohen Mautkosten nicht besser? Ist es nicht schon fast eine Abzocke?

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1 year ago


“Most countries have introduced the toll for road use for various reasons. On the one hand, new roads are to be built by generating revenue. In addition, existing compounds are to be maintained or even improved. Thus, the taxpayers of each country are relieved and only the people who actually use the roads pay for them. But what toll revenues come together here every year? – Here is a small overview from 2020:

  • France – 8.7 billion euros
  • Germany – 7.3 billion euros
  • Italy – 3.6 billion euros
  • Austria – 2 billion euros
  • Spain – 1 billion euros

The final lights in Europe are the United Kingdom with EUR 57 million and the Netherlands with just EUR 29 million. But these figures are just a drop on the hot stone, considering that a kilometer of new highway can cost up to 163 million euros in construction.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Kwalliteht

So roughly over the thumb worked 10 million a day.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mandarine2323

By the way, toll revenues are below the costs of construction, maintenance, repair and operation.

1 year ago

Most of the motorways in Italy have been built by private companies that want to cover their expenditure (investment and maintenance) of course via toll revenue. They also have to pay dividends to their shareholders. In Italy, most of the motorways have been built in very difficult areas (extreme mountain landscapes in Appenin, swamp landscapes in the few plains), so that the construction costs were usually much higher than in other countries, except Österrreich, where many expensive mountain motorways have been built and therefore also depend on toll revenue.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ruenbezahl

That’s not true. There are private motorways in Italy, but most are state-owned. The toll is given by the state. This, however, is far from sufficient to cover construction, operation, maintenance and repair. Most of the money gets the private operators from the state. The private companies have a little room for manoeuvre in the toll, but they also cannot generate big profits. The benefits of the state are not just huge. The rich coal (and thus profit distributions) is not available, but the private operators can live from the revenues.
Private motorways are often recognized in Italy by the fact that you have to pay when driving the motorway (e.g. Napoli-Salerno) and not to draw a ticket. There the toll is simply due for driving the highway, not for the distance covered.

The construction costs for the Italian motorways are above the European average, the reasons you have mentioned. Germany is (man hear and staune) at the cost very far below, Spain is most expensive (yes, even Austria is cheaper). The two north-south motorways of Italy on the east and west side were quite cheap, despite the many bridges and tunnels. The nodes around Bologna, Milano, Rome and Naples had exorbitant construction costs. The highway is quite expensive due to Calabria, which had to be built partly by hard rock tunnels, on rocky slopes in a dizzying height and with many slopes. On the other hand, the motorways in northern Italy are a joke.

The toll does not cover anywhere in Italy also only approximately the costs, the majority is financed through taxes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kwalliteht

That’s not true. Most highways in Italy are private, only in the south there are a few state highways. The fact that these routes were particularly expensive depends mainly on the corruption there. The operation of motorways is a very profitable business in Italy. If the operators want to get too much profit and save on maintenance, then the tragic consequences can have.

1 year ago

There are various motorway companies in Italy, mostly in the form of public limited companies. Often, the public sector is involved in capital, either through state institutions, regional administrations, provincial administrations or chambers of commerce. However, the capital of the companies is very low, the financing is made exclusively by loans that come to the majority of banks in which, of course, government institutions are also involved.

What’s the state paying off its loan bonds? Let me guess… by taxes? They then flow not directly into the motorways but only into the eradication of loans. Thus, the budget does not have direct expenditure on the motorways but rather. The trick is ancient and is used almost everywhere in the world.

I don’t know how much the state (yes… state and semi-state institutions) is co-financed by credit, but 4 billion tolls a year are not enough for 7000 motorway kilometers in a country where the highways have many bridges and tunnels, leading to sumf areas where earthquakes are to be reckoned with … and, unfortunately, also corruption is not very small (and this is not even the Mafia, which is another home number).

The new construction of a motorway kilometer is at least 6 million euros in Germany. But it can be a zero if there are tunnels or bridges. Germany is great within the EU, because not so many bridges and tunnels have to be built here. Accordingly, the costs for operation, maintenance and repair are also low. In addition, we hardly have to count on earthquakes in Germany, which makes tunnels and bridges significantly cheaper. This is the case that the Autobahn GmbH cost “only” 2 billion last year, despite the approximately twice as large motorway network as in Italy.

The joke on the toll in Italy is that a not very small part of it is immediately gone by the tolls and the staff for it. But toll chains like in Austria (there are just too ridiculous expenditure on maute in friction) are not politically wanted in Italy (so no value is now, is just a statement).

1 year ago

There are various motorway companies in Italy, mostly in the form of public limited companies. Often, the public sector is involved in capital, either through state institutions, regional administrations, provincial administrations or chambers of commerce. However, the capital of the companies is very low, the financing is made exclusively by loans that come to the majority of banks in which, of course, government institutions are also involved. Tax money does not flow into the highways. On the contrary, the regional and provincial administrations are pleased with the money they receive from the motorway companies.

1 year ago

Well, ASPI is formally a subsidiary of Benetton, but with a state involvement that does not really allow a private enterprise (fortunately) anymore. Since the bridge collapsed a few years ago, the state has increased its shares. The Cassa Depositi e Prestiti now holds the majority. At the moment, one even thinks about the complete repurchase, i.e. the complete outbreak of the private sector.
The toll in Italy is expected to be around EUR 4 billion in recent years. That sounds a lot, but it’s not. Nearly 7000 km of motorway, this results in about 1.75 million per motorway kilometers per year. This can only be profitable if more than double taxation is financed.

The problem of corruption exists throughout Italy. Although the mafia (and as they may all be called) is of southern Italian origin, its claws are everywhere in Italy. And the construction of the motorway through Calabria was indeed so shaky for technical reasons. The toll is not higher there than elsewhere in Italy. However, the toll is really higher on the few routes that are in actual private hands (as is the example of Napoli-Salerno), but not because of the private operator, because the toll is given by the state, there is no “free market economy”. The operating costs are quite high, and as the state does not want to shoot much out of tax money, the toll is higher there.

1 year ago

The money collects the private toll

And they don’t want to invest in roads or that would not have happened to the bridge

1 year ago

The whole is operated by Autostade di Italia, which annually 4 millards make sales,

Like we don’t talk about revenue from profit here.

You should consider that the construction and the shelter of motorways is extremely expensive. A motorway bridge costs 200 million euros (priced score of 2023!!!!). Such a bridge has a life span of 40 years.

The asphalt ceiling also has a lifetime of 10 years.

You should also consider taxes NOT intended. The state of Italy issues tax revenues as well as Germany. Most of the money flows into the social state, then there is still defence, education, public intrastructure, public administration and debt service.

If you think the low taxes are better, then you can go to the USA, where the cities are literally rotting weli there are no tax revenues and an invalidity study costs 100,000 dollars and the entire medical series from the USA will also like to mention the bill that is loosely 10,000 dollars.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mandarine2323

Yes, highways cost a lot of money. Also as a driver, I believe that the state should ask the polluters to pay more. However, this will not be enough to cover the costs, there will always be tax subsidies that far exceed the revenue from a toll.

It goes without saying that you pay for their use. And this is also heavily financed from taxpayers’ money.