Welche richtig guten S/W Filme für analoge 35mm Kamera? Für Reportage-, Street+People, und journalistische Fotografie. Und welche Vorteile haben die?
Hab mir neben meiner digitalen Spiegelreflex auch eine analoge für bestimmte Fotos zugelegt, die man mit digitaler Spiegelreflex nicht hinbekommt.
Welche richtig guten s/w Filme könnt ihr für Reportage-, Street- und People-, und journalistische Fotografie empfehlen? Auch leichter Sport sollte damit gut rüberkommen, Motion Cinema Stil, nur eben in S/W. Grobe Körnung und weiche Graustufen, sowas in der Art sollte er haben (und welche Vorteile/Unterschiede haben die Filme zu gewöhnlichen anderen s/w Filmen?).
Ilford Delta 400, HP5 and FP4 are the most popular SW movies.
s/w in photo/video accessories Other accessories with type: Film Price Comparison Geizhals Germany
Agfa APX100, which you get directly at DM, is also not bad and with Ilford FP4 is one of the best films:
Film: Agfa APX 100 · Lomography
AgfaPhoto APX 100 Professional S/W-Film from € 5,99 (2024) | Price Comparison Geizhals Germany
The offer has become very clear today. The most famous in the highly sensitive class are Ilford Delta 400, Ilford HP 5 Plus, Kodak TMax 400 and Kodak TriX 400. The Czech fomapan films are of lower quality.
The Delta and TMax structural crystal films have finer grain and higher sharpness, the classic emulsions of HP 5 and TriX are coarser grains.
SW only makes sense in processing in its own laboratory.
Yeah, I’ve already thought that, two baths in the bathroom, lamp.
Then I tend to HP5 and TriX, I’ll try. Had something read about it, but I wasn’t sure what it was.
Thank you.
Haha: Lamp in the bathroom, gives the Africans a fight in the tunnel!
Films must be developed in the can, and the film must be wrapped in the can in absolute darkness!
Well, you haven’t finished for a long time, because you need something more. Do you just want to develop the films and then scan or make deductions?
In the listing of the films there are still some like the Agfa APX, Adox, Cinestill, Kentmere… just try them out! One more thing: as a rule, higher-sensitive films are more coarse-grained than less sensitive. The Ilford Delta 100 is clearly fine-grained than the Ilford Delta 400.
The most important thing would be the right development of the films, otherwise you don’t have to go on. You need a bit of equipment and experience. (Development tank, thermometer, mensures, preparation vessel for chemistry, bottles, funnels, film clips, possibly fimrückholer and, of course, the chemistry for development and fixation, plus an absolutely dark space for injecting the film).
The other films mentioned by you are only relabeled creations of other brands, so I did not mention them. I realize that you need a few more things for your own home lab.
Black White is great with Ilfort FP4.
HP 5 on small picture, I’m not that fan:
Developed in ID 11.
On large format it is great:
4×5 inch
You’re not doing anything wrong with Ilford at Schwarz/weiss.