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Why do you want to spend money on something that you might have just as good a natural way.
Most people make a maximum of 5-10 lips per minute before the monitor, with 20-25 per minute important. With each stroke, the cornea is cleaned and the eye is cooled because that is no longer given, your eyes are certainly “not okay”. Take care and enjoy your eyes a little more relaxation. What do you think is what happens to your leg if you were standing on one for hours and hopping on one. The eyes are so mutated.
The eyes are fine, only irritated by the many teeth or permanently sitting on the screen.
Ask in the pharmacy, there are different drops.
In the end, you should visit an ophthalmologist for eye irritation.
I’m sure your pharmacy has a lot to offer. However, an ophthalmic examination is recommended in any case.
If you have dry eyes, then normal eye drops, your pharmacist will advise you.
Take breaks and see the distance.
Annual to ophthalmologist
This is where the ophthalmologist helps you. But if you’d make less new profiles here, you wouldn’t hang so often in front of PC
I can tell you what is free and helps: Do not sit in front of PC.