Welche Reitstiefel würdet ihr wählen?
Ich reite momentan noch mit Stiefeletten, werde mir diese Woche aber meine ersten richtigen Stiefel kaufen. Es werden keine Luxusmodelle die Maßgeschneidert sind,da diese zu teuer sind,und meine Füße vermutlich noch etwas wachsen. Daher werde ich mir fürs erste „einfache“ von Krämer oder Loesdau holen. Welche von den Beiden hier unten würdet ihr wählen?
Bitre mit Begründung weshalb und welche Vor- Nachteile diese Schnürung hat.
Danke für eure Antworten
Ps: Ich reite momentan nur Freizeitmäßig aber werde mit dem Springen anfangen
Stiefel 1
Stiefel 2
I’d always go to a store to buy something like that. If these guys sit well, I was gonna take them. But if you need the room for your calves, only the lower ones are considered. Maybe it would be quite different in the end…
Got it. The first have held over 5 years and a good start
I have branded them new and so far they are also great.
if you want to take jump lessons – both modelling then the dressurbogen interferes.
also visually I don’t like both models. too many stitches.
you have to try it anyway. both models would not fit me. I’d like to have her boots and much, much more and shorter.
my advice: stay at boots and buy instead of chapslette boots. you are more flexible and it is cheaper if your feet are growing anyway.
Hey, I wouldn’t buy one of the boots if you were growing. Better buy the boots only when you’re grown up 🙂
I’ve always used Goldhorse rides. The cost 70€ and fit really well. Could you consider alternatives, are simple black boots and hold for the price those really long!
Due to the fact that you have not linked (authorized), but have posted pictures (judgment of copyright), we do not see the exact model, but if I briefly open the crows pages and browse: in no case would I purchase one of the boots.
There are also at 150 Euros or more and if you wait and ride with bootets until you have grown up and put 300, you will get a custom-made boot that lasts > 30 years. This discounter quality has most 3 to 5 years maximum.
I’d advise you to stay with boots and chaps! This makes you more flexible, in the dressage boots you think you can not ride comfortably, let alone jump. Overall, I find dressage boots very uncomfortable if they were not adjusted.
2 . Because you can make it as tight as you want.
Because at 1’s just the zipper, right? There may be too wide or too narrow
Ps: Have fun
Thank you.
The 2nd would have been my first choice
No problem ^
It’s great.
In principle, I would go into a business, the upper ones see me as if it were going to be quick to snoop, but then your calves must fit perfectly there or so, at the lower ones you have more room to snoop about. I don’t know how to ride BTW, but I’m jogging at shoes
The laceration at the upper boots is only decoration.
Okay, just thought