Welche Reifen kann ich auf meinen Renault Clio III tun bzw. was steht in CoC?
gerne würde ich wissen, welche Reifen ich auf meinen Renault Clio III (3) tun kann. In der Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I steht bei 15.1 und 15.2 165/65 R15 (81)T . Welche sonstigen Größen sind erlaubt? Passt z.B 175/65 R15 84H bzw sind die erlaubt? Auch wenn die nicht im Fahrzeugschein stehen? Oder muss ich dann die CoC immer mitführen?
Kann mir bitte jemand sagen, welche Reifengrößen nach der CoC für den Renault Clio III 1.2 ( 3333 / AAQ ) erlaubt sind?
It’s much easier.
All tyre sizes that are registered here must be in the vehicle papers or in the COC have remained in their knowledge about 20 years ago.
In the papers, only one or two standard tire sizes are present. This does not indicate to what extent other tyre sizes are permissible or not.
Go to the homepage at one of the large online tyre dealers and let you see tyre sizes for your car (most simply with complete wheels). Then you can read in the detailed descriptions that have a general permit for exactly your car type (and therefore can be used in this way), and which must be entered by the TÜV (if necessary only with changes to the vehicle).
Good morning,
so I asked Renault directly. After some search in tables, the friendly staff could tell me that only 165/65 R15 81T is allowed, everything else needs a single withdrawal.
I think you’ve been given false information. This often happens in such cases, because if rim manufacturers X for car type Y request an ABE in connection with tyre sizes Z,… then there is no official information about it to the car manufacturer. Officially, the car manufacturer does not know anything about the (maybe dozens?) ABEs for all possible rim and tyre sizes for his car.
And one must also say quite clearly that the car manufacturer has no interest in supporting you when buying accessories from other dealers.
But of course you are free in your decision, who you give faith.
165/65 R15
Size (width, cross-section, diameter) – Maximum value
Load and SpeedIndex – Minimum value
The 175/65 R15 84H must therefore not drive (too wide) “simplified” and any documents must be included.
Yes, that’s why it would be good if someone could call the widths allowed in the CoC here. Some of them showed me that 185 should fit…
84H fits because it’s better. They’re just wider….
As there are usually several variants from a model na with different motorizations, etc. Unfortunately, I am not a specialist, so I just hold back guesses;)
Good morning,
so I asked Renault directly. After some search in tables, the friendly staff could tell me that only 165/65 R15 81T is allowed, everything else needs a single withdrawal.
Sure. If they do not know who then;)
Okay, thanks anyway. Do you think Renault can tell me that?
You can drive 175/65 and 185/60 at 15 inches without any problems. These are non-conductive series sizes.
Good morning,
so I asked Renault directly. After some search in tables, the friendly staff could tell me that only 165/65 R15 81T is allowed, everything else needs a single withdrawal.