Welche Qualfiikation bräuchte man um so krass zu sein wie Senku aus Dr.Stone?
Bachelor in Chemie und ner Ingenieurswissenschaft? Denkt ihr das würdw reichen um so krass zu sein?
Bachelor in Chemie und ner Ingenieurswissenschaft? Denkt ihr das würdw reichen um so krass zu sein?
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As a child, gain a lot of experience. A Bachelor in Chemistry is not enough except your IQ is huge.
It is not comparable to a study, with a doctorate in astrophysics and chemistry, if you get that is not impossible, but well I see the wrinkles already.
With a degree in some engineering science he could build and program the fancy things and would have had enough physics know how. And with nem chemistry Bachelor/Master enough theoretical knowledge about all the substances and their application etc.
Why gather experience as a child? Do not think that experience as a child but perhaps. More practical experience than an adult is more useful. Except you have a high talent so Sheldon Cooper type shi.
Yes, he’s talented like Sheldon, so I say that it’s unrealistic for us to be like that. Is not impossible, but hard with a normal Iq
Consequently, as a small child, he has already shown in the flashback that he has built rockets, has read chemical journals, etc. This shows that he has a high IQ since his childhood, which is why as he is becoming for an unrealistic who is not Albert Einstein!
At its level, you don’t get
So first it is said that it is impossible to ever be as crassed as Senku. The man is practically a changing encyclopedia, which knows all the formulas and values without reference. Even my physics lecturers at the university do not know all formulas from the ff. – so since Senku is a fictional person, it is completely unrealistic to ever build such a penible sound knowledge.
But what you can look at from Senku is his incredible source of knowledge. His passion, his curiosity, which he has preserved and his ability even in the worst despair (I would probably only have cryed if I suddenly woke up as the only person on earth) to keep a cool head and to look forward with well-founded methods and act logically.
Senku loves science over everything and his zeal, as well as his ambition, coupled with a pinch of humor, is admirable. I have also thought about what you must have studied to be like Senku .. his area of interest is quite far away from chemistry, physics, astronomoia, biology, medicine.
But I think that Senku is mainly at home in chemistry. He also goes completely on in the mixes of substances (“Now we’ve got sodium hydroxide, the stuff is going right, I’ll tell you! The Yakuza used this to dissolve bodies. Gnihihihihihihihihi”) and you can also often mix with reagents.
If you prefer physics (Senku also dreams about flying into space), of course it’s okay. Biology works, I think, too. The disciplines overlap. In Phyic studies, I was also confronted with a lot of chemistry (solid-body physics, crystal physics), in chemistry studies, I encountered physics in the form of thermodynamics and physical chemistry.
I think with a great portion of willpower and interest you can definitely approach any natural science studies and pursue Senku in his knowledge zeal. I finally decided on chemistry because I felt more comfortable there than in physics (in particular theoretical quantum mechanics was just for me still corrosive formula rolls and wild conversions), and I like the practical laboratory work.
But in the end, every natural science degree is in order.
Thanks for the very detailed answer. In fact, I don’t want to study an SINT subject, but it’s just fascinating how Senku knows all the connections. He masters the whole theoretical knowledge and then the application, similar to engineers e.g. (Steam build gorilla or cell phones).
I also think, even if the disciplines overlap quite well. Have you read that physics is applied mathematics, chemistry applied physics and bio applied chemistry ^^