Welche Psychotherapie habt ihr gemacht bzw. macht ihr?


Welche Psychotherapie habt ihr gemacht bzw. macht ihr?

Einzeln, als Paar, als Familie oder als größerer Gruppe?

Wie sind eure Erfahrungen damit?

Ihr könnt ergänzen, falls mehrere davon zutreffen oder eine andere Form nennen.

Bei mir fängt am 10.4. die Psychotherapie an. Ich war vor ein paar Wochen bei einem Erstgespräch bei einer Psychiaterin.

Allerdings werde ich nicht bei ihr, sondern bei einer neuen Kollegin sein, die im Gegensatz zu ihr nur Psychotherapeutin und nicht dazu noch Psychiaterin ist. Ich kenne die also gar nicht und auf der Website hab ich auch nichts gefunden.

Die Psychiaterin meinte, dass sie eher wenig Zeit hätte und man bei mir aber am Ball bleiben müsse und hat mich deshalb zu der anderen geschickt.

Wenn ich das richtig verstanden hab, wird das eine Verhaltenstherapie bei mir sein. Ich weiß aber trotzdem nicht, was mich jetzt so richtig erwarten wird, weil ich die Kollegin ja auch nicht kenne.


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11 months ago

Nobody knows the therapists before. For this you start a normal conversation with the therapist. Nobody talks out of the sewing box right away. It has to build up a kind of trust relationship. Only if you have confidence with the professionals, you can reasonably open yourself. What I find important to mention: a therapy is help for self-help. You can’t expect miracles. There are no solutions from the experts, but ideas that should be thought about whether you can and will implement them. Wanting is also very important. No excuses why this or that does not want to succeed before you have not tried it. You WILL yes, that you will be helped to show another way of view, so you should not reject a therapy from scratch.

I myself have made a therapy for restoring cognitive abilities after two serious diseases. In single therapy. At first you get to know oneself, talks about the past, why one is in therapy at all, and the focuses that are important to one who seeks what one expects and hopes. And gradually one opens. A good therapist directs the conversation in the direction that helps the patient to deal with herself and the answers and find solutions.

In a psychosomatic rehab, I also attended group meetings. That didn’t hurt me. Single sessions are more helpful to me personally. However, rehab care in groups was again very helpful for me because all had similar problems and not as different as in rehab itself.

Conclusion: You have to want yourself and you have to open up to work on yourself and the problems. This isn’t going from today to tomorrow and it’s not that thought. All right.

11 months ago

I don’t know what that was – that was when you want it that way, more advice. A few years ago, I spent about half a year with a psychologist who sent me home with the indication that he would not want to see me at least in his practice, because I was not sick, but only caught in the wrong environment – so he was also right. It was when you want it, individual talks.

At that time I had great problems with my environment in the neighborhood, home and partly in the profession and doubted myself. I thought I wasn’t quite right and I was the cause and I had to fix it, especially as my environment blamed me and meant I was such a terrible person. In truth, it was quite different… these people demanded of me things that I couldn’t give them because I’m not such a sociable gossip, but a quiet contemplative man who doesn’t blaspheme over everyone else at the garden fence, talks about everything and doesn’t ask. They then thought I was arrogant and unfriendly – and I doubted myself. I went to my family doctor and he gave me the advice to visit this man – he said to me that this could fit humanly, the man was experienced and good.

I went to that psychologist, too. He has had five or six conversations with me, which he was able to settle as “knowledge talks” about the cash register, and after the second conversation he said he was not too prepared, either because he could not help me in the sense and did not see the need for therapy, but he would like to offer me this conversation platform and help me in matters of my life. He did, I was always with him on Fridays. He could also work up various disturbing events from my childhood, the man was worth gold.

I look at the man as a key figure on my very positive path since then. In addition to my then friend (you can tell her everything possible, but in that point I could rely on her), my uncle, my best mate, as well as two, three equally important persons, he was strongly involved in a rethink and the resulting change of my life and I am grateful to him.

The man was kind, answered every question I had on him and took time, showed me some ways of solving, basically gave me “help for self-help” and said very specifically what I did in the end: He let me know quite directly that it is not me, I was not sick and now have exactly two options… either accepting or withdrawing the conditions in my home. After almost a year I tried to give the home and the people the hand and the hand itself was hurt in the transmissive sense, we just moved away – and since then everything became really better. I’m a happy person today.

The last thing he gave me on the way, thinks well: “Take care of yourself”. By the way, I recommended him, three acquaintances were with him – and he could also help them.

11 months ago
Reply to  rotesand

Nice report on a suitable and helpful therapeutic ‘commissioning’!

11 months ago

I did a long teaching therapy. 250 hours individually and for three years – also self-experience in the group (plus seminars).

This was a compulsory part of training for psychology. Psychotherapist. Everybody. who works thereapeutic should have done a long individual therapy to get to know his own neurotic problems. I did this long individual therapy (each 2 times a week, self-financed, understood) very well.

11 months ago

Very important is:

basically have a good feeling for therapist/therapist!

The therapy does not necessarily begin with your first interview! You have the right to four ‘test sessions’ and you don’t have to take ‘the cat in the bag’! It’s your good right to go to another person, too – and you should also use it if there’s a big doubt with you after one, two conversations, whether you and the person are good to each other!

I do not say much about the various procedures (even if I know them all very well), since others have already reported. Probably it’ll be a single therapy. And in any process, there will be traders to whom you spontaneously trust – or unfortunately not. My opinion: more decisive than the procedure is the ‘passage’ of the person of the therapist.

9 months ago
Reply to  Tamtamy

If you are willing to do this, please remember the choice of the ‘helpiest answer’! 😊

11 months ago


I’ve been taking part in a self-help group that matches my challenge and has a recovery program for many 24 hours. The advantage of self-help groups is that I come forward at my own pace and no one, so to speak – visually explained – tries to scrape off the scrap when the wound has not yet been cured.

11 months ago

You seem mistaken to believe that the many methods are aging to choose. It’s not like that. There are only one or few suitable treatment methods for any mental illness. I was in psychoanalytical treatment. These were several sessions per week over a longer period. Both the therapist and I have made a mistake: we should have thought that a turn of my destiny could have been associated with me having to go elsewhere and the therapy is sudden. After 2 1/2 years of long-term unemployment, I was given a totally crazy opportunity: foreign employment in Montevideo (Uruguay). The therapist looked totally horrified and scared because I had to stop the therapy. She still helped me a lot.

11 months ago

Just wait and be open to everything. Which therapy is useful depends on the particular problem. How a therapy is designed depends extremely much on you.

It is important that you understand that therapy can only succeed if you are ready to change. The therapist can’t change you, he can only give you tips and instructions on how to deal with certain situations. You still have to change yourself.

11 months ago

It’s about my past (Mobbing & Co.)

Greetings from Southern Germany 😊

11 months ago

I already have

  • Individual therapy (in depth psychology)
  • Individual therapy (behavior therapy)
  • Group therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Movement therapy
  • Musical therapy

made. Behavioral therapy has helped me personally well, but that is of course different from person to person. Let it come to you best. You’ll get to know the therapist soon enough and get a picture of her.

However, I will not be with her, but with a new colleague

This is nothing unusual to have both a*n psychiatrist*in (for prescription of drugs) and a*n psychotherapist*in (for therapy itself).

11 months ago

In order:

  1. Deep-psychologically sounded therapy
  2. Analytical therapy
  3. Behavioural therapy.

In groups, I am more familiar with the form of the self-help group.

I’d like to do a couple therapy, but don’t pay the cash register.

11 months ago

I was stationary and tried a lot. group, individual, sports, conversations, medicines etc.

What does and helps one of all the possibilities, you have to find out yourself. There is no patent prescription.

11 months ago

I have done several individual and group therapies and it has helped me very much. Meanwhile I’m doing sports as therapy and everything is great.

11 months ago

From 2015-2019 I was in a single therapy.

11 months ago

I have finished without success

11 months ago

Conversation therapy

11 months ago

I had an outpatient therapy

11 months ago

I’m going into me regularly!