Welche Programmiersprache wird am meisten gesucht?
Hallo, speziell in Deutschland, mit welcher Programmiersprache wird man die größte Jobauswahl haben?
Hallo, speziell in Deutschland, mit welcher Programmiersprache wird man die größte Jobauswahl haben?
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I would say that C++ and JavaScript are the most popular on the job market.
C# and Java are also often included.
Thank you. Javascript then probably mainly for web development or?
Yeah, mostly.
I would add ABAP to the SAP world
This is a good supplement.
Not the programming language, but the ability to design program structures is the more important requirement.
The code will in future be able to better and cheaper a AI like ChatGPT.
The code-line tippers are an output model, system architects are used for very complex structures.
I disagree. Look what chatgpd gives you for nen Kacks. It’s a mega hype. To support yes, but as a replacement… As far as things are not yet.
I tried it myself. Sometimes it is only necessary to specify more precisely what one wants, what, for example, the transfer parameters should be and what algorithm one wishes.
Amazingly, I find that with the instruction to make detailed comments it becomes apparent that the code must have been fully understood.
Write a well commented program, which determines all the prime numbers of form 2^n-1 where n is not a prime number, is not too difficult.
But in addition, I still get the info that there will be no results, including the indication that such numbers cannot exist.
I think it’s easy to find out about specialist informatics.
This thing’s gonna be rough, yeah. But everything is still in the infancy and is not specifically intended for it. Wait another five years!
Regarding the question of which programming or Script languages are the most popular, there are numerous statistics on the web.
Example (date of publication please note):
Python / Java / JavaScript
https://de.statista.com/statistic/data/studie/678732/umfrage/best programming languages-worldwide-laut-pypl-index/
JavaScript / Python / Java
JavaScript / Python / Java
Although it is not a programming language, it is also well-founded SQL-Knowledge in the project business today is very important.
Ideally you can use several languages!
And then it depends on which area you want to work later.
But remember, much can also come back – or is replaced by new ones!
That is why I would make myself broader and not just limit myself to one language!