Which programming language should I learn?


I want to change my career and work in IT or learn to program.

I'm most interested in software management/development, but I don't know where to start.

(I have no experience with programming)

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1 year ago

With Java you learned it with the easiest and at the same time a common programming language. C# hadn’t done much yet, maybe an alternative to Java.

For the real understanding of programming, C is better or C++.

For quick and dirty you can start with Javascript or Python, but I would not recommend it because it is better to learn to work with data types than so extremely flexible.

1 year ago
Reply to  TUrabbIT

If data types are so important to you, why not learn typescript directly. It’s more popular. Besides, you can learn guys within 10 minutes, so don’t know why you should only learn a heavy language because of them. I also have to say that c# has scared me at first when I learned to program. Couple months later, I started with js and I fell in love with the language. I would learn python and js/ts when I could start new and then learn more like Java, C# …

Good evening, with kind regards to Weißbrot 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  WeissBrot965

JS is one of the most ugly language I know. If he also wants to go right into the field of software management/architecture, languages such as Java and C# are much more recommended.

1 year ago

One does not learn a programming language in 2 days (also not with pre-knowledge) . In my opinion, it is also part of learning frameworks and specific properties/techniques of a language in order to say that one masters them. JS differs relatively strongly with C#. C# is now also not a difficult language. The only thing that is confused at the beginning is the namespaces and possibly the parameters in the main method. Namespaces etc. since I think .NET 6 you can hide with the option “No instructions of the top level”. In Java and C#, you are also forced to program object oriented, which goes towards architecture anyway.

1 year ago

As I said, C# at first was very scared of programming. Now that I go to javascript and python I could learn the language in probably less than 2 days easy. That is why I think we should start with a simpler language. On the one hand, it is not harmful and on the other hand it is easier to learn more, heavier languages like C#.

With kind regards White bread 🙂

1 year ago

The Software development is wide-ranging as there are different target platforms and purposes for which software can be developed. Be it mobile apps for Android or iOS, web applications, tasks automation applications or programs running on a microcontroller. Accordingly, there is also a huge selection of technologies that have specialized in this or that subject area.

It wouldn’t be bad if you put at least one approximate focus for the start, what software you want to develop exactly. If you have an idea, you can comment on my answer.

Therefore, from me first only a rough tip: Many applications can be covered with C# or Java (e.g. the development of desktop and web applications). Both languages are quite popular, so it is not difficult to obtain learning material or generally support in problems with them. The learning curve is moderate / not steep compared to other programming languages. I believe that an even simpler entry (which can also be installed as a precursor to C#/Java) is possible with processing.

A few additional entry tips / resources have been listed in these two posts:

Independent from the chosen programming language, I think that you should always look like an entry in my opinion that you are looking for (serious) learning sources and you are setting up a corresponding development environment within which you can develop your own programs.

For the beginning, I would also keep targets low. This means that small exercises of the just learned within a console application make more sense than wanting to start directly with a complex software project.

1 year ago

First of all something (from my point of view) important, fundamental:

Software development is never about mastering language “xy”. It’s a lot more about the (basic) concepts you have to understand.

Then you can get used to a new programming language with which you have never worked before.

It would therefore be important to learn the basic concepts with the help of a “simplified” language such as Java or Python (e.g. data types, conditions, loops, recursion,…), as you always have to work with new technologies in real projects anyway.

However, it can of course not hurt to have at least the basics of the most common languages (Python, Java, JavaScript, C/C++, C#).

1 year ago

If you’re completely new, Python is a good choice. The syntax is simple and you can start quickly. Python is used in many areas, from web development to data science. If you have gained some experience, you can learn more languages such as JavaScript for web development or Java for enterprise applications. Start with online tutorials or courses, then switch to projects or even boat camps. So you get the best mix of theory and practice.

1 year ago

python is a good starting point. Java and javascript can be learned later

Mfg white bread

1 year ago

Assembly language

1 year ago
Reply to  Qdcjo

😂 and brainfuck and Whitspace after this 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Qdcjo

Did jmd have a clown breakfast? Good question is to help others and not to troll. From programming perspective perhaps funny, but inexperienced people think that it is meant seriously and are accordingly frightened when they see asm. Please leave this in the future!

Good evening, with kind regards Weißbrot

1 year ago
Reply to  WeissBrot965

Assembly programming is often a decisive beginning when computer programmers learn their crafts. The language assembly (also called ASM) is a programming language for computers and other devices and is generally regarded as an entry level variant in comparison to more advanced languages with other functionalities.

1 year ago
Reply to  WeissBrot965

No reason to use the imperative, this is highly unprofessional.
Good afternoon, with kind regards JLKBVH

1 year ago

Tesla, for example, introduces people who can Assembly. Partly, the basics of the keys are to reveal the deeper understanding of a situation.

1 year ago

Now guess how often it is programmed with asm today. Exactly, not at all.

1 year ago

did you ask me for my opinion??

1 year ago

And that would hurt? Come back in a few months, maybe you understood how to behave on a good question. You can report answers for something like that if you haven’t noticed. Evening

1 year ago

Yeah, because I’m a makers

1 year ago

Imagine you have the right to learn how to program Bock and any such clown writes asm. You’d look at the language. Would you still have to learn how to program Bock?

1 year ago

Well, I thought it was funny, I already helped.

1 year ago

I’m still confused, but I don’t care because it’s distracted. What I wanted is that you should finally process your clown response. The answer does not help you or the questioner.

1 year ago

Command form, this suggests sublime that you are better than me.

1 year ago

I don’t know what the imperative is but ok haha