Welche Programmiersprache lernen?
Hallo mein Ziel ist es später als Freizeitaktivität spiele zu entwickeln, da gibt es ja einige Sprachen. Ich habe 3 Sprachen im Auge: Java,Python und C#. Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher mit welcher ich anfangen soll.
PS: ich würde erstmal mit einem 2d Spiel anfangen.
Python and c#
I would first learn the basics of Python, could you call me good courses for Python and C#? Z.b. on udemy
Why is Python for game development? I’m on my way with Python now, actually for the last three years. For games the language is not made, PyGame is cool but with it you simply don’t build games that go about things like Mario (in 2D).
Backend if necessary
And you can’t use C# for that? Believe me, I love Python. But C# is much better for that. Backend is really not an argument, C# has ASP.NET, Blazor, the necessary speed for large applications … I don’t see any reason for Python.
I’ve already made a buckling stuff with Python, even larger web applications. But if you want to play in the game development you can just learn C# and use it in the backend. C# is actually more for the backend.
If your goal is the game development (which is quite challenging), then I would learn C#. Don’t start playing games directly. It’s too complicated for a beginner.
Learn the basics of C# and the Eco system around this language. You can write small tools, calculators, etc., programming is always just about practicing.
If you’re a bit more solid then you can start playing with Unity. My tip would be here, by the way, not to despair. Programming can be confusing, you have to learn to think in strange ways. Developing games in particular.
What also helps if you are good in the language, because when programming you need it extremely. Many think math is the most important, when developing games it is also relatively relevant, but linguistically it is extremely demanding.
You have to translate everything in your head, in the beginning you need quite a long time, but at some point it was like a book you’re writing.
I would rather learn Python first to find a basic understanding for programming, and then safely start in C#
You can start with Python, but it will be hard to switch from Python to C#. After all, Python is different and many things that are absolutely common in other languages are made in Python via detours.
Personally, I’d really put C# on your heart.
Do you have any websites, books, courses you suggest to me, and any tips, e.g. with which app I should make notes etc.
LG for your detailed answer
C# with Unity and then C++. You can save Python. Python is basically not much easier than C#. This is a common misbelief.
So with Python you can dive into the programming world wonderfully, but for game development, Java and C# are more suitable. In principle, there is C++ best, but this is also a bit shaky.
I would rather learn Python first to find a basic understanding for programming, and then safely start in C#
Yeah, you can do it. Ultimately, it’s really important what you’re up to. If you know what you want to develop, you choose a language.
2D I’ve done many times. 3D is not without.
I would like to develop 2d games in the beginning platformer and top down shooter and if I’m experienced then 3d games
Programming is the best way to get started with a language, and what makes a halfway fun. And rather not to get x contradictory opinions, which is now the best language.