Welche Plätzchen findest richtig eklig?
Welche Plätzchensorte(n) magst du überhaupt gar nicht?
Mir ist bewusst dass es Unmengen an Rezepten/Sorten gibt. Man kann gar nicht alle kennen – oder aufzählen, ohne sich wirklich ” ‘nen riesen Kopp drum zu machen”. Dennoch würd ich mich freuen wenn ihr mal versucht darzulegen welche Plätzchen du kennst – woher auch immer und dann die Sorte(n) nennst mit denen man dich jagen kann…
For me, it’s easier to call the pastry that I find disgusting. I don’t know what that means. In our family Greek bakery and is a kind of macrone consisting of oblate, egg snow, chopped dates and figs. That’s so disgusting sweet and sticky. That’s when I was a kid. But it was baked for Christmas every year.
Seems enough customers have found… I don’t think it’s mine.
That sounds amazing.
I like almost all, as long as there is no alk or marzipan or it is too ca. 80% of sugar!
I don’t like the Elisenlebkuchen so much as they’re too soft.
Cinnamon stars I just like how we bake them. It’s not like egg snow, it’s like normal cookies with cinnamon. See as similar:
Also our coconut slices with cocoa + Oplade, are good!
I don’t like coconut macros.
Too sweet, too sticky, and then after that all the coconut snippets in the tooth spaces….
I find cinnamon stars disgusting. In addition, Linzer Rings are so disgusting and intrusive sweet.
Cookies with anise, cinnamon, orange and lemon (stollen confection for example) and pistachios are not mine. 😝 Rumballs are also bass…. 😝. Florentines don’t have to be either. With speculatius, I just like the butters. 😊
I love Vanillekipferl! 😍 But also almond-talers, splash-bows, heidesand, all with coconut, oatmeal cookies, all with marzipan, black-and-white bakery, almond horns, nougat cookies, Linzer cookies, nutmacrons, grapes, grapes, grapes, gingerbreads, butter cookies. 😊😎
Sorry, I can’t help!
Minna is at the baker + says, “I want rumballs!” The baker: “No problem, my wife just wiped out!” Rumballs – round balls! 🤣
All cookies where coconut flakes or nuts are on it I always leave…😧
Okay. I’ll take it. 😊😊
So everyone is happy. That’s it!
I used to eat too much “Bounty” when I was a kid… I can’t see it anymore! And then there’s a little nut allergy.
In a nut allergy, I would also prefer to dispense with such cookies.
I didn’t like Bounty as a kid at all. Today, I eat it all and again. But I’d rather have some coconut cookies. 🙂
I don’t like a gingerbread and find butterflies really boring.
Chrebeli with anisaroma https://ww2.bettybossi.ch/en/Rezept/ShowRezept/BB_BKXX060801_0374A-40-de or something with Ameretto.
I don’t like Florentines.
I just didn’t get in the head like they were…
I really don’t find any. What I can’t do is extremely bad quality – according to the motto cheap .
You all like? Anis, Baiser or Marzipan?
Anis + Baiser are OK! Marzipan is not mine, but if I get it, I eat it too! Can’t let a nasty spoil you!
Marzipan I liked! I had no desire to create a list 😬 gives already a few that do not belong to the favorites
Almost everything with coconut 🤢.
All that has to do with gingerbread (:
Hazelnut and baiser.
It’s disgusting. I just don’t like her at all.
Any kind of nut cookies and those with jam.
Florentines or like the hot, so nuts, lemon, etc. in chocolate, terribly hard and tough. Besides, everything with a lot of marzipan, too sweet.
Aachen prints with chocolate coating.
I don’t think so. If there are some with Lakritz, this would be my most unloved variety.
Don’t laugh, but Anis. It tastes very similar.
Yeah, but I’ve never eaten such cookies with someone. Maybe there are not many recipes for it or are generally unpopular.
It’s all with cinnamon or licorice.
you think Anis 😉
or anise… and cinnamon…
I didn’t know that there were cookies with a licorice taste.
You never learn… I don’t.
Baiser and space balls
All that was done by children’s hands. An acquaintance really wanted to offer me cookies from the kindergarten that the children baked. Thank you. The drills in the nose, coughs and swell…
That’s nonsense. Also children (learn) how to behave properly in dealing with food.