Welche Pille kann man durchgehend nehmen?
Also welche gibt’s so bei denen man keine Pause machen braucht und welche sind empfehlenswert?
Also welche gibt’s so bei denen man keine Pause machen braucht und welche sind empfehlenswert?
Hey ihr liebe ich habe eine frage ich habe heute ein test gemacht 13Tage nach GV er war negativ ich habe jetzt aber seit 2tagen ziehn im unterleib und hatte auch ein wenig Übelkeit am Morgen sollte ich in ein paar Tagen nochmal ein test machen.? Nehme eigentlich die antibaby Pille (mini) habe aber auch…
Ich nehme die Mini-Pille Slinda ein und muss aktuell wegen einer Rachenentzündung zusätzlich 10 Tage ein Antibiotikum einnehmen (AmoxiClav 875/125). In beiden Beipackzetteln steht nichts von einer beeinträchtigenden Wechselwirkung. Ich bin unsicher: kann ich während der Antibiotikumstherapie tatsächlich wie gewohnt nur mit der Mini-Pille verhüten oder sollte ich doch zusätzlich Kondome nutzen? Falls Zweiteres, sollte…
Hallo leute, habe jetzt immer mit der leona hexal pille gearbeitet jetzt hat meine frauenärztin gemeint solle auf die swingo 30 mite umsteigen bin ich weiterhin geschützt? habe die letzten 21 tagen noch die leona genommen und seit heute den 9.08 habe ich angefangen mit der swingo. Und nun ist das ding soll ich doppelt…
Hallo, ich nehme schon seit 8 Jahren die Pille. Habe aber zwischendurch die Pille gewechselt da ich erstmal Migräne hatte und von der neuen Pille (war eine Minipille) habe ich extremen Haarausfall bekommen. Seitdem nehme ich die normale mikropille. Nun hat mein Hausarzt in meinen Blutwerten ein erhöhtes Thrombose Risiko entdeckt und ich bin am…
Mini pills (estrogen-free pills) are generally taken without a break.
The 28 mini only with the Levonorgestrel of the first generation is rarely prescribed despite high compatibility. It does not prevent ovulation, it often comes to intermediate bleeding and it must be taken very accurately.
Recent minipills show higher rates of ovulation inhibition, since instead of the previously used Levonorgestrel they use the gestagen Desogestrel (e.g. Cerazette, Desogestrel aristo, Jubrele, Feanolla…).
Here, too, irregular bleeding is possible, but, like most micropills (combination pills), it also has a larger time window for removing a forgotten pill.
The mini pill is mainly prescribed to women who cannot use a micropille, because, for example, counter displays (age, smoking, increased risks for venous thromboemboly) exist.
The advantage of oestrogen-free oral contraception is the omission of all oestrogen-related side effects and they are also suitable for breastfeeding.
In the case of a micropille (combination pill with two active substances), a long-term cycle (i.e. the omission of the regular pause) is generally also possible and is not more unhealthy than generally to take the pill. It is even recommended today, as there is no medical reason why an abortion bleeding should take place regularly once a month.
However, the long-term cycle offers a lot of advantages: a uniform supply of hormones is often better tolerated by the body, there are fewer menstrual problems, PMS and migraine, and cost savings in hygiene articles and the safety of contraception is higher, as the fault-prone pause in which the egg ripening begins again.
In comparison to cyclical use, the risk of intermediate bleeding (which are already a typical side effect of each pill) is slightly increased in the long-term cycle. This does not mean, however, that intermediate bleeding must occur, but can only occur.
Germany is currentlyhowever,only a few pills allowed to pass through. Therefore also the note of the manufacturers of other pills that the displacement of the bleeding days is not recommended, just because they are not allowed for it.
Nevertheless, approved pills are prescribed “off-lable” to the long-term cycle by many German doctors, as so farno indication of negative effects of the long-term cycle.
After examining and surveying the cycle anomalies, medical history, living conditions (e.g. smoking), family disposition (breast cancer, thrombophlebital events), skin image and body hair, etc., your female physician may consider whether and which pill comes into question and discuss his assessment with you.
Happy for you!
Thank you 🙂 Have a break with every month. I thought I wanted to inform myself a bit before.
In principle, you can easily move the break without loss of protection; prefer (after at least 14 pill days), move to the rear, shorten or drop it completely (long-term cycle).
Only do not extend – so maximum (usually) 7 days without taking!
It doesn’t matter if you take 16, 21, 22, 28, 42, 50, 77 or 100 pills consecutively or the break takes one, three, five or seven days.
These possibilities arise from the information under“You forgot 1 film tablet in week 3”and‘Moving the monthly bleeding:’andChange the first day of your monthly bleeding:’
However, you should discuss the extra needs with your female doctor.
Minipills but also combination pills in long-term cycle 😁
The bleeding under the pill is generated only by the pause and it has no meaningfulness, let alone any medical sense or necessity. The bleeding is only artificially produced so that women feel they have a cycle.
I’m sure you’ll be with the doctor. It may also have physical reasons why this may not be recommended. This should always be an individual decision that you have to clarify.
You can express your wish for it.
No there is no reason to question the FA
Ask your doctor
Not necessary LZ is recommended