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1 year ago

“Good” in the sense of her doing what she is supposed to do, namely preventing pregnancy, they are all. Your doctor will choose the right pill for you after a consultation, then you can try it and if you have no unwanted side effects, you can stay with it. If it comes to side effects, you can switch to another preparation, even there your female doctor will have an idea. The breasts have not become noticeably larger with me in various pills – if that happens, this is also only a side effect due to water retention, which then disappears after the pill has been removed as a rule. The pill is not a means for breast enlargement.

1 year ago

I have taken various pills in my life and to one all very well.

But say goodbye to the idea that through the pill your breasts will grow permanently – that will not happen.

Although some women notice that at the beginning of the pill intake their breasts are somewhat swelling – but this is not a growth, but only a water retention. And swollen breasts are unpleasant – they feel hard and tense. Many women know this from the time just before the rule bleeding.

After 2-3 months, when the body has become used to the pill, the breasts shuffle again, and this is also good.

Your female doctor will arrange a pill with which most of her patients have had good experiences. If you have taken the pill three months and still have unpleasant side effects (such as breast tensions or lubrication bleeding), you can change the pill.

1 year ago

Take breast enlargement cream – which also does not help but makes a supple skin.

1 year ago

The pill is not a smartie. No pill is good and if your breast changes, then by water retention. After cutting off the pill, it goes back in most cases. Better not take them if you have such intentions. Or do you want to be dependent on a drug so you can find yourself attractive?

1 year ago

You shouldn’t throw the pill in because of that stupid thing. The pill is a chemical bomb with many possible, partly heavy, side effects such as thromboses, strokes etc.

It is necessary to consider whether the benefits for a person outweigh the risks, and with you I can say that this is definitely not the case.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nono1677
