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I like the chilled character. Super leisure horses for one or other jump, relaxed rides and loose dressage. To this end (with proper posture and feeding) Robust. I like her look very much.
Do you like to post multiple contributions? It’s not ashamed of us – it’s reported. Here my answer from the reported post:
These almost all, because for these infinitely many lovers there is no idea and you don’t have to grow professionally in order to get rid of them, but every breeding accident is easy to sell.
Normally, a healthy horse is not susceptible to really expert attitude and feeding. But there are comparatively little healthy of these breeds, because people especially of these “roots” (what is going on in this country, in particular in the case of tinkers and haflingers, cannot be called as members of these breeds, and those from the Iberian Peninsula are also particularly fond of selling the specimens to Germany, where the breeding was not particularly successful) as stupid to buy everything that can’t hold itself right on four legs.
My personal impression. However, as far as Andalusier is concerned, I have no comparative possibilities.
None of the breeds would be suitable for me, as all are very susceptible to numerous diseases. Be it overweight, deer, mauke, cushioning spines or eczema.
Then, if it must be, I would most likely take the hafi because there are also sports breeding lines.
Since I’m a jumper, I would still be unhappy with it all the time and this constant diet is super exhausting.
They’re all good to look at. That’s all.
For all of your listed horses you have listed, you must pay great attention to feeding. 24 hours pasture in summer and little movement is unhealthy. The animals are lightweight. Even a friese. I didn’t deal with the subject and bought a light-footed horse. My other stable colleagues have all warm-blooded. Holsteiner Hannoveraner and don’t have to worry as much as I do with my little 152 mare(Mix baroque type).
The perfect multi-purpose horse, for grains.
susceptible to mauke and radiant – if you look for the joints of the four races
And in the C goods, only cheap, then unpaid.
If you buy a Haflinger, yes. But many users here, not like you, buy a Haflinger, but a breeding accident according to Haflinger Art. They wouldn’t know how to get to a Haflinger and think they’d buy one. That’s why I wouldn’t call this. For me, he would not be suitable anatomically, or vice versa I do not fit on it.
If you take care of pasture management and the curtain, most tinkers are good to keep.