Welche Nüsse / Nussmix ist am Besten zum snacken?

jeweils 1 Portion à 30g, bzw 35 (Studentenfutter) als kleine Zwischenmahlzeit gegen 9 oder 10.

Die Portionengrösse habe ich von der jeweiligen Verpackung.

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2 years ago

Especially by Seeberger. But also, otherwise, really eat everything that consists of nuts and dried fruits. It should not be too “cheap” therefore, the proportion of peanuts in some mixtures is really unharmed high.

2 years ago
Reply to  meschugge08

That’s normal. You need a vegetable oil as a release agent, otherwise the little things stick together so strongly that you need hammer and chisel.

2 years ago

And you also have a good snack 😉 with all the options listed

For me personally, the student food would only be the weakest (because dried fruits (sultanines) contain a lot of sugar) and the nut mix would be the strongest (because varied and best nutrient coverage)

2 years ago

It is best to find a mixture of different nuts, unsalted or unsweetened and without strongly sugary dried fruits.