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Depends on the use, I love Penne Arrabiata.
And the noodles from the first picture are good for noodle salad, for example.
It depends on what sauce is.
Spirelli more tomato sauce or noodle salad, penne gene with cream sauce and filt tips.
The taste is the same.
But to Pesto we eat more number 2 and tomato sauce rather number 1
The difference is slightly different, especially the dark,
Yes the dark ones are also another dough, but the dough on the picture are just different shape…
I say nothing against 🙂
yes that is true, it comes to the flour what makes the taste,
there are multicolored noodles, you can see a difference in taste.
Yeah, I know.
However, since the dark and the lights are shown in FIG. 1, and both have the same shape as the 2. in which only the lights are with a completely different form, I thought you question refers exclusively to the form of noodles.
That’s why I said
Because form has no influence on taste.
You can also give the dark noodles in all forms and varieties, in any case with us in land trading.
Maybe. I thought, however, that it refers to the shape of the noodles, as in Figure 1 full grain and normal noodles are depicted.
the dark should be dinkel
The ones with the grooves, they better fit in the mouth. With a lot of tomato sauce, oil and butter cheese. Bam. No more, no less.
The first, I like Spirelli. They’re taking up the sauce. :
Only those as in Figure 1. If I do noodles myself, then long, smooth, which are cut to pieces.
I like them both very much
Two. I like lousy wheat egg noodles.
Depending on what I have to do, there is less in the form of the manufacturer.
I’d rather take the 1 Fusilli/Spirelli.
The two penne if I have to take a lot of sauce.
There is also a search function:
Definitive 1, I don’t like penne
So I like the lower ones better!
Clearly: whole grain noodles.
I like many varieties