Welche Noten braucht man für eine it Ausbildung als Systemintegration?

Hallo ich bin in der 10 Klasse hab jetzt mein Halbjahres Zeugnis bekommen leider habe ich in den Hauptfächern überall eine 4 aber ich würde sehr gerne eine Ausbildung als it Systemintegration machen weiß jemand wie meine Chancen stehen

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2 months ago

The companies look at the subjects relevant to the training:

  • Mathe is important logical thinking etc.
  • To be able to write sensible reports in German is important. Your posting does not speak here for you, practically no record and the training profession is called FISI or Professional system integration.
  • English is also helpful.

For example, https://www.youtube.com/c/lehrerschmidt/videos Watch and take remedies.

A friend of mine is a primary school teacher. They think that all their pupils who have worked reasonably well in the internship have received a training place, so in this case the grades or grades are the “lower” school degree (no idea how much in your wish occupation is the urge of the abattoirs etc.) are secondary.


2 months ago

In my experience, you get a training place not because of your grades, but because of your motivation, a convincing resume and your performance in the interview (and/or in the recruitment test for some companies).

But you have really good grades at school that you can add to your CV – that gives your CV a plus.

2 months ago
Reply to  Iconfeet

Don’t worry, prepare a better resume and don’t forget to include a letter in your application. In the letter you can tell more about yourself and your motivation.

And send your resume to as many places as possible. I sent over 50 applications to get my first invitation to an interview – and somehow I convinced the company and got the training place.
Good luck! 😊

2 months ago

I’m glad…BTW, I’ve made my training as a professional informant for application development, it was very fun to me.

2 months ago

This does not depend as much on the grades as on a great application and how you can sell you.