Welche Note habe ich im Halbjahreszeugnis?
Hallo zusammen,
ich weiß nicht warum, aber Französich liegt mir einfach nicht 🫤
Jedenfalls wollte ich fragen, ob ihr mir die Note die ich wahrscheinlich haben werde sagen könnt oder ihr mir sagen könnt wie ich Noten ausrechne.
Zu meinen Noten:
- Klassenarbeit 5+ / mündlich 3-4
- Klassenarbeit 4 / mündlich 3-
1. Vokabeltest 6
2. Vokabeltest 5-6
Ich weiß das ich mich anstrengen werden muss.
Falls es euch weiterhilft, Gymnasium 7.Klasse. Wenn jetzt jemand sagt, ich sollte nicht aufs Gymnasium gehen, ich bin in allen anderen Fächern gut.
I think it’ll be a five. But it’s only half a year. Of course you have to try, you know yourself.
It’s not up to me, okay, but it’s just because it’s stupid too.
But as long as you are really good in the other subjects, a 5 now is not a world decline, even not in the annual certificate.
And according to the testimony of the 7th. Class now asks later (after school year end is already later) really no longer
Thank you
Vokabeltests are usually evaluated like oral cooperation in 2-3 lessons, so the ones in the oral quarterly notes must already be included or only minimally deduct them.
Overall, I come to a smooth 4, but in any case it will be somewhere in the foursome area. You have improved slightly from the first quarter to the second quarter, and many teachers also value it. If you’re lucky, it’ll be a 4+.
With us, the vocabulary tests are evaluated as a class work, so all together at the end of a school year. Thank you
Oh, then it looks worse for you :/
Ever thought about remedies in French? It’s annoying if you just drop your grade average because of a subject or even endanger your shift.
Yeah, I’ll take after the vacation. What would that be, so the note?
Depending on the weighting probably a lacking or a close four minus.
Thank you
A close four minus.