What grade for teaching?
Hello everyone,
I have been planning to study to become a secondary school teacher for some time now and will be obtaining my Abitur next year.
However, I'm wondering how challenging and difficult the course will be. I already know that most programs don't have a minimum entry requirement. Still, I'd be interested to know what grade (in each subject) would be advisable.
Therefore: What grade should one approximately have in the respective subject in one's final year in order to pursue a teaching career in secondary school?
Or to the teachers already in office: What grades did you get (in the respective subject) at school back then?
Das Gymnasial-Lehramt-Studium ist sehr schwierig – viel schwieriger und anspruchsvoller als der Oberstufenstoff und Abitur.
Welche Noten man in den Fächern haben sollte, da gibt’s keine festen Regeln.
Falls man allerdings in den Fächern, die man studieren will, schon bei den – im Vergleich – relativ einfachen Anforderungen im Abitur nicht gut ist, dann muss man bei den hohen Anforderungen im Studium mit Problemen rechnen.