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B complex, selenium, boron, vitamin K2, D3, because I do not get enough of it from the food.
Coq10, AAKG and 70% astragalus polysaccharides I take for experimental reasons, among other things because this had shown effect on other people (in self-testing).
In an emerging cold, I set on olive leaf, astragalus, rice extract, elderberry, sea buckthorn, propolis, chlorella, zinc, vitamin C, quercetin, NAC, chlorella and beer yeast, because in experiments with people they have either reduced the likelihood of infection, duration or strengthened the immune system.
Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3 and Omega 3 algae oil.
So some ðŸTM‚ everything in two tasty complex, one morning, one evening. In the morning, there are plenty of vitamins, probiotics, Ayurvedic herbs etc in it and evenings of the mineral complex. It’s been a good thing for five years.
I take creatine monohydrate and sometimes protein powders as required.
Vitamin D and iron after a deficiency was detected by the doctor.
Effervescent tablets with iron (+vitamin C, because it is directly included) and B12, sometimes vitamin D
Proteins relatively regularly/almost daily
I’ll take a vitamin supplement on my doctor’s advice.
Magnesium and iron before and while I have my days,so I always have dizziness, strong cramps and bad headaches
Usually none.
It’s only sometimes magnesium when I’ve got colds in the morning.
B12, D3, K2, Magnesium, Omega 3
magnesium from time to time
otherwise nix. Slightly vitamin d. Must measure my mirror
Regular only B12
Vitamin D
Beef and veal
No one. You don’t need them with a balanced diet.
check vitamin D
Even there I never had a lack
None. It’s just business.
Your opinion
Whose opinion.
Well, if it helps, it’s good
But does it really?
Perhaps if there are certain causes. 99% of the stuff, however, are simply taken without cause.
With me, magnesium and iron helps well against period cramps and prevents subsequent headaches. So for me it does