Welche Nähmaschine für Anfänger?
Ich würde gerne anfangen zu nähen, habe bisher gar keine Erfahrung in die Richtung. Ich könnte eine dieser beiden Nähmaschinen bekommen, kenne mich allerdings wie gesagt überhaupt nicht aus. Welche Nähmaschine wäre wohl besser für eine komplette Anfängerin? Ich finde leider nur wenig online zu den Modellen, da sie ja schon etwas älter sind. Danke im Voraus!
I can only report from my experience: first had an ancient machine of my grandma. It wasn’t fun for me because it didn’t work properly. Wanted to give up. bought me ne Singer (absolute catastrophe the newer and cheap machines)… well. Who buys cheap, buys 2x, because in the end it became a really expensive machine (W6 N8000 Excl.), ABER: I love it and don’t give it back. Now for 4 years 🫶🏼
The more enjoyable or with more functions. Because either you’re not having fun, or you want to be able to do more soon. Do you have to decide…
I’ll get one. So more expensive? What is that? The Famula?
heyy I also want to sew and have one with purple and I am a beginner (W,10)
and so a bit of plastic around the needle or so from the two first the upper ones and at some point when you can sew properly, you might then have the lower sewing machine rail
If you want to know more, please write to me
LG matilda100