Welche Nachteile haben übernatürliche Kräfte?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich schreibe gerade eine Geschichte und dabei kam letztens folgende Fragen in den Sinn. Meistens stellt man sich vor, was für interessante Dinge jemand tun kann der magische Kräfte hat. Meine Frage ist nun, was für Nachteile es im Alltag gibt, wenn jemand übernatürliche Kräfte hat? Als Beispiel: Jemand der die Gefühle anderer Menschen wahrnimmt kann nicht in grossen Menschenmassen sein weil er sonst überfordert ist. Und was für negative Folgen gibt es, wenn jemand probieren würde seine eigenen Kräfte zu unterdrücken um ein “normales” Leben zu führen?
Es geht um folgende Kräfte:
-mit den Händen heilen können
-Aura sehen
-Emotionen und Gedanken anderer Menschen wahrnehmen können
Schon mal vielen Dank für eure Antwort
In the case of healers, a disadvantage could be that this person loses her life energy, so that her life must be shortened and therefore always superior when she heals or Life saves. Or after that is very physically exhausted.
Or, in general, the other people want to exploit these people, or want to use them for their purposes.
A further conceivable disadvantage would be that these people are excluded from society with special forces or are considered as special persons.
One disadvantage would be that the one who could see the aura might be blinded by what she/he sees, or the one might misinterpret it and that could lead to conflicts.
In those who can perceive the thoughts and feelings of human beings, it might be a disadvantage that some do not want to do with those because that person can find out all about this person.
And from Telekinesis could be disadvantages that the person moves little or loses control.
I hope this helps you 🙂
Here are some possible disadvantages and negative consequences that might be associated with supernatural forces:
1. **Social isolation:** People with supernatural powers could feel isolated from others due to their abilities, as they may have difficulty identifying with normal people or joining their world.
Two. **Overview by impressions:** The ability to perceive emotions and thoughts of others could be overwhelming and lead to psychological stress, especially if the person does not learn to control or delimit them.
3. **Responsibility and morality:** The possibility of healing with the hands or using telekinesis could raise moral and ethical questions. The responsibility to decide on life and death or to intervene in the freedom of others could be serious and lead to serious conflicts of conscience.
4. **Sensual vigilance:** The seeing of aura and the perception of thoughts and emotions could lead to the person being always on the hat, becoming suspicious and having difficulty trusting others. This could lead to paranoia and a constant sense of surveillance.
Five. ** Self-depression and internal conflict:** If someone suppresses his supernatural powers to lead a “normal” life, this could lead to internal conflicts, stress and psychological problems. The constant effort to hide or control the forces could lead to a feeling of imperfection or loss of authenticity.
There is a limit that you can and how often. Maybe imagine as a beam and depending on the difficulty, the beam becomes empty faster.
Either you can train that the bar gets bigger or you need special drinking or it’s not at all.
Also limited, but the more you practice the better and faster it goes.
Most likely to envy another.